animal spirit guides

Me and My Shadow. My Aha! Moment.

me and my shadowI had an aha! moment as I was uploading this photo to edit it. I took it over the weekend while sitting on the deck. I love how you can see my shadow with Gidget looking on.

Gidget loves being with me, but she is also the first dachshund I’ve had that seems more independent. She is content to hang out beside me on the deck and doesn’t need to be in my lap all the time. Frankie and Joie, the moment I sat down in my Adirondack chair, would be at my feet pleading with their dark enticing eyes, “Please pick me up and hold me.”

As I thought about this looking at the picture, it struck me once again how we get the dog we need at different times in our life. I’ve become more independent, content to be on my own, and alone more often. I trust more in who I am and what I need. While I enjoy some social time, I also need lots of time alone.

This is where I am in my life right now. It wasn’t all this way. All those years of being in the “spotlight” with Frankie were times I wouldn’t trade for the world. But I have to say this “inner” work I’ve been doing more of lately, fits me too. Sure, sometimes I’m restless with it, but for the most part, I feel like this is the place I’m supposed to be right now in this space and time.

Gidget is that reflection for me. What a beautiful reminder this photo (and Gidget) is.

Smiling Buddha Dog. You Made My Heart Smile Just When I Needed it Most.

2014-03-06 15.10.57 eA big part of me is still struggling with the blog post I shared yesterday. I wanted to be honest and tell you this. It has weighed heavily on me since sharing Daisy’s story yesterday.

While I wanted to help Daisy by sharing her story to help raise medical funds, I realize how much it personally affects me. I’m a highly sensitive person so acts of violence are hard for me to hear, see, or read about. It is rare I will read stories of violence against animals, because it just cuts right through me.

I rarely watch the news either because of the negativity. It affects my psyche and has too much of a negative affect on me, so for my own health, I try to stay away from it as much as possible, as well as cruel things that happen to animals.

I may have likely not even come across Daisy’s story, but someone had personally sent it to me. It’s not the first one I’ve gotten sent to me and usually I won’t read them. While I’m not upset with the person who sent it, I realize again how stories like this affect me deeply.

It was also a reminder to me that I want my blog and Facebook page a place where people can come to for something positive to their day. While sharing Daisy’s story was positive in that I wanted to help her new owner raise some funds, unfortunately the comments that followed on Facebook really disturbed me.

Going through photos on my camera today, I found this photo I had taken of Gidget last week. It said to me that yes, peace and light is how I want to be in this world. I also believe that by being so it does spread that energy of vibration out into the universe affecting others in a positive way. I may never know who is affected in a good way from it, but I have faith it does.

I trust and know that Daisy will be fine and will get the help that she needs– with or without me. I also hope the very disturbed person who did what they did will get the help they need. But because these stories seem to swim in hatred, I can’t share them in the future. The issues around them are just so huge and it overwhelms me.

So while I’m not ignorant to what goes on in our world, I also know  there is much good that goes on too. That is what I want to share and be a part of.

I want to be Joyful Paws and continue to share all the amazing lessons our animals teach us. In doing so, I believe this will lead to less violence. I absolutely believe without a doubt that animals are here to teach us peace, compassion and understanding.  We have a long way to go at times, but I have hope we will get there.  And I want to continue to do my part in this way through my blog in sharing the good stories.

I have my smiling buddha dog, Gidget to remind me of that, as well as my sweet girl, Kylie too, who centers me when I need it most.

Buddha Gidget. What Have You Come Here to Teach Me?

IMG_1956 1200My teacher- oh, so wise and divine.

What have you come here to share with me?

Your eyes full of wisdom draw me into another world.

A world unlike the planet my feet are firmly planted upon.

A place of spirit that shows us the way if we open ourselves to it.

My Buddha Gidget who continues to encourage me to listen with my heart.

To trust what I know.

To deepen my faith in the Universe and trust paths before me that I may not always understand.

Your spirit, my little one, lifts me to the mountain top of what can’t be viewed with my mere human eyes, but  can only be felt deep within the spirit of who I am.

Your presence a gift of what it means to be compassionate.

Your soul, a beacon of light of hope that shines through your eyes and calls me home to what is real.