animal voices

A Book Review of a Book I Really Hope You Will Consider Reading

I want to first start by saying that I understand many have a fear of snakes. I did too. And I certainly don’t mean to cause anyone any angst. While my story of an encounter with a snake is included in my friend Dawn’s book, that experience truly changed my life for the better. Along with the depth of research and history included, plus other personal stories, I believe this book is so important to where we are now as a society and the chaotic times we find ourselves in and the potential this book has to help us heal and evolve.

I hope you will consider reading my review and also reading Dawn’s book.  xo, Barbara


What I respect and admire about Dawn as a friend, writer, and mentor is what I’ve learned from her— and that is— the value and importance of stepping back and taking time to give serious contemplation to the ‘why’ of our fears as a way in which can lead us to a larger perspective.

And this book, Awakening the Ancient Power of Snake invites us to do exactly that.

Throughout my review, I’ve sprinkled a few passages from the book that spoke to me (they are in italics). Though, honestly, it was hard to choose as there were many.

So – full disclosure – my story and my encounter with a snake are included in the book. But here’s the thing—I almost backed out.  It was too much at the time— on many different levels— to bear the judgment I feared by sharing it.

I can’t say I ever hated snakes, but like many, I did have a fear of them. It was hard for me to even look at a photo of one. But one day I came across a mama snake and her four babies who were all perished. I still recall how I was moved to tears because it all felt so tragic.

This is when I learned how to dance with the wisdom of Snake and was thoughtfully and compassionately guided by Dawn.

“Learning from snakes isn’t necessarily about becoming friends, but rather about seeing them for who they are.”

Would I have been drawn to read this book had I not encountered a snake or knew of Dawn, or my willingness to explore what snake had to teach me?  Perhaps not.

But like my personal experience with a snake, which changed my life in profound ways, so too has this book elicited another shift and awakened another level of understanding for having read it.

“Snake: protector of our psyche and champion of our eventual awakening.”

I was blown away by the in-depth research and rich history Dawn shares about Snake – something that as a young person I was easily bored by or didn’t understand.  But as I’ve grown older and wiser, I’ve come to realize the utmost importance of understanding our history and even more vital, the relation to it as to where we are today as a society.

Reading about the ancient wisdom of snake and goddess— and how that part of our history has been pushed down and even looked at as evil at times, had me vacillating between angry and sad. But it also had my respect for snake deepening even more and how they can guide us to not only evolve individually but as a planet if we open our hearts to these teachings.

“The challenge is to see snake as it really is. By accepting the challenge we may discover far more about both snakes and ourselves than we might ever imagine.”

There have been times in my life where I thought I was nuts because of how I see things in a way that perhaps others don’t understand—and then even more so when I was challenged to go deeper into my psyche because of my encounter with a snake.

But I’m grateful to snake for initiating me, for the other stories in Dawns’ book that were even more confirmation of the healing powers of snake, for the abundant wisdom Dawn has personally gained and so generously shared, and the wide array of research Dawn has included to help us understand snake through myths, history, dreams, science, and so much more.

“I think everything the ancients and alchemists knew about Snake is true and needed now—today, more than ever. Snake’s wisdom is vital to us during this time of planetary upheaval and profound paradigm shifts. As noted in the introduction, “Snake appears in the collective dream when change is most desperately needed.” And that is where we are.

The global transformation we are currently experiencing (which feels like a madness and destruction to so much of the world) is part of an immense shift, a move from rigid patriarchal rule to a more balanced consciousness that reunites nature with spirit, sacred masculine with sacred feminine, and more. Snake’s expertise in bringing together that which is separated and disjointed—something that is essential right now to our survival as a species.”

Lastly, though I initially had great fear around my story being included in this book, I’m now honored to be a part of it. Over the years I’ve come to deepen in respect for all animals (not just the cute and cuddly ones). I believe at the core of my heart, animals are some of our greatest teachers and are here to help us heal and evolve. It’s when we can look at those we consider scary, even repulsive, that I’ve personally gained some of my most profound teachings, and for that, I consider it a great honor to not only be a part of this book but to also share it with others.

Thank you to Inner Traditions Bear & Company for an advanced reading copy.

Here is a wonderful video from Dawn talking about why she wrote the book. Also for more information about the book and Dawn’s other books and her work visit her website, Animal Voices.

Snake Goddess Intuition Doll pictured above is by artist Maria Wulf.

Come Meet My Writing Muse

Come Meet My Writing Muse

Come meet my writing muse – the Lion. 

Little did I know that Lion would become a writing muse as I began to welcome the idea of writing this new book I’m currently working on.

In January of this year, I had an animal reading done for myself by Ana Maria Vasquez. I was intrigued as she does them based on numerology and date of birth. While I don’t understand exactly how it all works, I’ve been intrigued by how it’s unfolding and applying to my life. I revisit the reading each month as there is a different animal energy for me to observe and pay attention to via the reading Ana Maria did for me.

She began with the animal that came in with me at birth, considered my totem animal, which she shared is Lion. Then each month she shared what animal presented itself that would help guide me this year. I must say, so far, each animal has been in alignment with where I need to focus my energy, and how I can embody more of their teachings.

When Ana began the reading she said that the animals were sharing how this was a happy reunion. She said the animals adore me and were excited to see me, and hangout. How touching that was to hear.

While Lion being my totem animal, Ana shared that Lion energy has also been with me since my 54th birthday last year and will be with me until I turn 55 in July. Lion is also my animal for June, so I’ve definitely been paying attention to how this all fits in with my life right now.

Ana shared that looking at the energy of lion, lion is for me personally about balancing the feminine and masculine. How I’ve achieved a certain level of success to this point, but now this time in my life is about my hearts desires, not playing by the rules of others, and about being in cooperation with more of the feminine aspects of lion. Those aspects being more about being inward, and feeling safe and protected while listening to my heart, before I step back out into the world again.

As I wrote yesterday on my blog, my writing process for this book is to follow my process, and not what other writers do or how the industry may suggest.

It occurred to me as I’ve revisited the reading and Lion as my totem animal, that it’s also in alignment with an animal communication reading I had done with Gidget in early March, done by my friend, Dawn. So much of that reading has helped me with a new awareness as I’ve allowed it to unfold, instead of trying to force an outcome. I’m recognizing that when I try too hard to figure things out that I only retreat further into myself, which only leads me to feeling anxious, frustrated and worried.

A little over two weeks ago I began the search for a lion totem to have on my desk. I found just the one I was looking for in a shop on Etsy called, Journey Back to the Past. A one of a kind as someone with the initials A.J. made it. I knew it was the one as I felt this skip of recognition in my heart. So gentle with just the right balance of sweetness and confidence, I think, reminding me that I too, am one of a kind, and there is no one else like me. Just like you, one of a kind, and something to be proud of and cherish.

Lion encourages me to listen to my heart, be gentle with myself, to not force anything, and to be patient. As for that last  – patience – I do believe just about every animal tries to help us humans with that! 🙂

This morning in silent meditation, I saw in my mind’s eye lion walking confidently across an open field. I admired his sturdy, strong, graceful stride. Not in a rush, but just enjoying and owning his domain. He then let out a gentle roar, and one I felt a message that I too can roar, by sharing my thoughts in my own graceful and expanded understanding as I continue to write this book.

Thank you for reading and sharing in my intrigue of the muse!



After I finished writing this post, The Animal Wisdom Tarot, popped into my mind. I wondered what the Lion card looked like from that deck. I share it here because it sure did make me smile as I saw myself sitting beside that lion in this sweet illustration.

And the message? Be true to self; claim authority.

Lion: Ruler of the Open Heart (Strength) - Animal Wisdom Tarot

Chinese Medicine, Dr. Andrea and Gidget: Update

Chinese Medicine, Dr. Andrea & Gidget: Update

Gidget getting her second acupuncture session

Today Gidget had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Andrea of Anshen Veterinary Acupuncture. She practices both Western and Chinese medicine. She is working with us to see if we can’t help Gidget with seizures she has had.

You have to look very closely at the photo above to see the needles along Gidget’s spine. Because of her coloring, they almost blend right in!

Gidget didn’t sit as still during this session as she did the first time three weeks ago. Though it could have been because this time we had a morning appointment verses last time we were there mid-afternoon.

But after reviewing everything with Dr. Andrea since our last visit, I’ve decided to try her on some Chinese herbs to see if that will help with the seizures and imbalances she has.

gidget and dr andrea

Gidget with Dr. Andrea

Gidget’s body being out of balance likely a long time since her diagnoses of IVDD before I adopted her, I feel, is definitely something that needs to be considered.

There are so many reasons why seizures can occur.  Oftentimes there is never a distinctive cause found, though I still have a theory with Gidget. But it’s really still a wait and see.

In the meantime, I’ve heard and read many good things about Chinese herbs helping with seizures so I want to give this a shot. I also incorporated a reading with my animal communicator, Dawn. From that reading I’ve incorporated massages I’m giving Gidget twice a day.

This has been an interesting journey to travel. From the beginning, in January, with her first seizure I just didn’t feel right putting her on medication should her seizures continue.

While she has had a total of six so far and two in April, I’m hopeful we are on the right track and she will be seizure free with the different modalities I’m trying.

I’m a believer in treating myself as a whole person when looking at when something is off in my own body and what could be contributing to an imbalance. And I feel the same way with animals.

Dr. Andrea has discussed Gidget’s diet with me, her personality, her habits, her environment, and so much more. All in an effort to try and determine the best way in which to try and help Gidget.

I’m not opposed to medication, but I also want to be sure that is the best and right route specifically for Gidget. While many drugs have come far in not being as toxic when treating for seizures, I have to follow what my gut is telling me right now.

It’s been difficult at times as I don’t want to cause any harm to my sweet girl. But in my heart I truly believe I’m doing the right thing for her for now.

If and when we need to add a drug, well then, I will surely do that.

But treating her as a whole dog is something I’ve leaned into over the years growing stronger in what I believe and being able to express that.

This is, at times, just as much about me as it is about her. I’m learning once again to stand in my truth and have faith I’m doing the right thing.

Meanwhile, in Gidget’s world, she is curled up under her blanket snoring away as I write this post. This is a good thing.

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