This darling little red squirrel came to visit yesterday. Perhaps he has been around these parts before, but it’s the first time I’ve seen him.
I stopped what I was doing to watch him. I mean, how could I not, right?

I’ve been in a funk for the last two weeks with concerns about Gidget, of which I’m still working through.
Watching Mr. Red Squirrel I found my mood lightening up a bit and a smile came to my face.

After dining on a few kernels of corn he scampered down the side of the deck railing, and skittered here, there, and everywhere on the deck, making me laugh out loud. Then into Mr. Tree he ran (formerly our Christmas tree) who is now lying on his side on our deck. If you missed my post about Mr. Tree, who created a special memory, you can read about it here.

For a few weeks Mr. Tree was upright in the corner where I was able to enjoy him just a wee bit longer, gazing at him through the patio door often when sitting in my big red chair in my living room. But his needles are quickly drying as the sun moves closer to the earth everyday now, along with some windy days we’ve had.
I’ve felt bad that Mr. Tree can no longer stand and is moving through this transition. But as Mr. Red Squirrel scampered in-between the branches having fun jumping all around, I realized how sweet that Mr. Tree, even though now frail, had a new purpose.

Those few moments of pausing and reflecting with Mr. Red Squirrel as my animal allie with was just the therapy I needed. Reminding me that change is always present. Accepting this is key to living a life with less suffering. Perhaps I’ll have this challenge mastered before I leave this earthly plane, but for now, I thank Mr. Red Squirrel and Mr. Tree for the needed reflection.
Mr. Red Squirrel also reminded me to not take life too seriously and to be sure to have fun… and yup…even when life feels challenging.
I’ve not seen Mr. Red Squirrel today as of yet, but see that Hank, the grey squirrel has returned. So perhaps Mr. Red Squirrel feels I got the message and may not appear until I need another reminder…and rest assured, I likely will. So best keep a cob of corn on the deck for him. 🙂