
Stepping Out of My Creative Comfort Zone. Unexpected Surprises!

Stepping Out of My Creative Comfort Zone. Unexpected Surprises!

I stepped out of my creative comfort zone this holiday season making this gift for my friend, Dawn.

And it’s because of Dawn that I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone in opening more to the wisdom of snakes. I really couldn’t even look at one before she started talking to me about what she’s been learning about snakes.  I also realize some people have a real fear of them, so I won’t elaborate further.

But Dawn has helped me open in many other wonderful ways too and I’ve grown in some ways I’d have not expected this past year.

She loves all things animal wisdom, nature, art, and metaphysical. I really didn’t have a plan on what I was going to make, but turned to my “Zenspiration” books.

First I drew the “D” which is obviously stands for Dawn.  Then I added in the snake winding around the stem of the D which is her snake, Chloe. I then added her other snake, Carl on the right hand side.

To think I was even drawing a snake, when earlier this year, I would have a shiver run down my spine just thinking of one, was rather fascinating to me.

After completing the drawing, I knew I needed a background. Off to Walmart I went to see what type of papers they had in their craft section. I was so thrilled when I came across this “cosmos” paper. It was perfect!

But when I got home, the square paper tile covered up the main part of the paper, which prompted me to cut the center of the D out.

And then another surprise came after I placed the D on the cosmos paper! An eye appears to the right in the center. How cool, I thought! Can you see it?

After it was complete, I felt this warm gush of good feelings inside — it all felt so right — and so perfect for my friend.

And the best part is, Dawn really loved it! And all the good feelings came rushing back again of creating something that came straight from my heart… and was out of my comfort zone…and flowed without a plan.

Now that is when creating is at its best. And now I want more!

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I Should Have Known Better. A Broken Promise.

I should Have Known Better. A Broken Promise.

It was serendipity that I would have my friend, Cindy join me to check out John Michael Kohler Arts Center Midsummer Festival of Arts yesterday.

And on my birthday no less.

A glass of wine in hand, we strolled the streets checking out all the talented artists and their work.

There is just something about viewing art, being with a friend, sipping wine, and warm sunshine that can fill my soul with pure joy.

barb and cindy

And money from my mom and in-laws for my birthday that was burning a hole in my pocket that I just had to spend.

But I had made a promise to myself.

No buying any wiener dog treasures.

How many does a girl need I told myself.

I promised.

And then it happened.

As if this beam of light shined down from the heavens and spotlighted this adorable metal sculpted dachshund.

“A wiener dog!” I exclaimed.

I shot off like a rocket headed right for the whimsical looking dog.

The angel on my right shoulder whispered in my ear, “But you promised. No wiener dog things!”

Oh but look at her! She is so happy! She reminds me of Gidget.

And then I knew I was in trouble when the artist from Garden Deva Sculptures out of Oklahoma said, “I almost didn’t bring this one today. It’s the only one left.”

That was it. I had to have her. Promise broken.

Wallet lighter.

Heart happy.

It was worth it. So worth it.

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A Beautiful Gift from My Friend. Thankful for the Reminder.


I am so grateful for the wonderful friendships that I have. Today I had lunch with my friend, Shannon, who made this beautiful gift for me.

A message we all need to hear now and then. Not always an easy one, but one we must continually practice, and I’m thankful for the reminder.

It now resides in a special place on my table in my writing cottage, where I also practice yoga every morning where I will see it, as a daily sweet nudge to live in the present moment.

Thank you Shannon for this beautiful work of art from your heart and for a friendship that continues to blossom in new and sweet ways each day.