On Saturday I ventured out with my mom to Hidden Hollow Garden Art and their Open Coop show in a town about 15 miles from me.
The wind was howling and with the sun only peeking out now and then, I was second guessing all morning if we should go.
But deciding to make it an adventure that is just what we did.
It was one of those days when you are so glad you made the effort despite the not so great weather.
One of my favorite artists, Geri Justinger was there with her one-of-a-kind Gajettes clothing created from recycled, upcycled, and repurposed materials. I own many of her beautiful skirts. Like eating M & M’s, I can’t have just one!
I was also lucky enough to win a $100 gift certificate she was giving away this summer and it came in extra handy with her super sale going on during the Open Coop event.
I also discovered a new artist of The Sunshine Collective and fell in love with her “Doodles from my Noodle” coloring books for adults. Two went home with me.
As I colored in my new coloring book early Saturday evening, listening to piano music, Gidget snuggled beside me on the sofa and a fire in the woodburning stove, I had this super good and warm feeling overcome me.
I love supporting artists! Perhaps it is because I am one myself being a writer. But I know the heart that goes into an artists work and I truly appreciate it.
I pictured Geri in my mind creating at her sewing machine, and Kim of The Sunshine Collective, sketching out new designs from her “noodle.”
That place of complete serenity when our art comes so beautifully together without effort. There is so much joy in this process.
And I understand well the times when it does not come so easily. But something beckons us to keep going – it’s in our blood – this need to create. It feeds the soul in a way that can’t be filled in any other way.
And so we create not knowing if something will sell, but honoring the calling of our soul.
And those connections that when they happen, like my love for Geri’s skirts, and now Kim’s coloring books, it is magical. To hold something that was created for the pure love of it than manufactured in a factory in the name of consumerism.
That connection of heart-to-heart in their love of creating and my love of supporting artists.
Yup, indeed – artists make the world (happier) go round!
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