
Artists Make the World (Happier) Go Round

Artists Make the World (Happier) Go Round
Gajettes by Geri – Photo courtesty of Gajettes on Facebook

On Saturday I ventured out with my mom to Hidden Hollow Garden Art and their Open Coop show in a town about 15 miles from me.

The wind was howling and with the sun only peeking out now and then, I was second guessing all morning if we should go.

But deciding to make it an adventure that is just what we did.

It was one of those days when you are so glad you made the effort despite the not so great weather.

One of my favorite artists, Geri Justinger was there with her one-of-a-kind Gajettes clothing created from recycled, upcycled, and repurposed materials. I own many of her beautiful skirts. Like eating M & M’s, I can’t have just one!

I was also lucky enough to win a $100 gift certificate she was giving away this summer and it came in extra handy with her super sale going on during the Open Coop event.

I also discovered a new artist of The Sunshine Collective and fell in love with her “Doodles from my Noodle” coloring books for adults. Two went home with me.

As I colored in my new coloring book early Saturday evening, listening to piano music, Gidget snuggled beside me on the sofa and a fire in the woodburning stove, I had this super good and warm feeling overcome me.

I love supporting artists! Perhaps it is because I am one myself being a writer. But I know the heart that goes into an artists work and I truly appreciate it.

I pictured Geri in my mind creating at her sewing machine, and Kim of The Sunshine Collective, sketching out new designs from her “noodle.”

That place of complete serenity when our art comes so beautifully together without effort. There is so much joy in this process.

And I understand well the times when it does not come so easily. But something beckons us to keep going – it’s in our blood – this need to create. It feeds the soul in a way that can’t be filled in any other way.

And so we create not knowing if something will sell, but honoring the calling of our soul.

And those connections that when they happen, like my love for Geri’s skirts, and now Kim’s coloring books, it is magical. To hold something that was created for the pure love of it than manufactured in a factory in the name of consumerism.

That connection of heart-to-heart in their love of creating and my love of supporting artists.

Yup, indeed – artists make the world (happier) go round!

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I Should Have Known Better. A Broken Promise.

I should Have Known Better. A Broken Promise.

It was serendipity that I would have my friend, Cindy join me to check out John Michael Kohler Arts Center Midsummer Festival of Arts yesterday.

And on my birthday no less.

A glass of wine in hand, we strolled the streets checking out all the talented artists and their work.

There is just something about viewing art, being with a friend, sipping wine, and warm sunshine that can fill my soul with pure joy.

barb and cindy

And money from my mom and in-laws for my birthday that was burning a hole in my pocket that I just had to spend.

But I had made a promise to myself.

No buying any wiener dog treasures.

How many does a girl need I told myself.

I promised.

And then it happened.

As if this beam of light shined down from the heavens and spotlighted this adorable metal sculpted dachshund.

“A wiener dog!” I exclaimed.

I shot off like a rocket headed right for the whimsical looking dog.

The angel on my right shoulder whispered in my ear, “But you promised. No wiener dog things!”

Oh but look at her! She is so happy! She reminds me of Gidget.

And then I knew I was in trouble when the artist from Garden Deva Sculptures out of Oklahoma said, “I almost didn’t bring this one today. It’s the only one left.”

That was it. I had to have her. Promise broken.

Wallet lighter.

Heart happy.

It was worth it. So worth it.

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Pretty Verses Beautiful… and P.S. I’m Still Here and Not Going Anywhere!

kylie looking out s

First and foremost, I just want to apologize for scaring some of you yesterday with my post that said I was saying goodbye and what sounded like I would no longer be here writing.

But, whew, as you did come to discover as you read my post, I decided to now call this place I call home for my writing on the big wide world web, my journal, instead of my blog. It really speaks so much to the heart of who I am and how I want to expand on what I share here with you.

I must say though, you all warmed my heart with your comments and your enthusiasm for my new beginnings in calling this my journal. A place where yes, I’ll continue to share what I learn from my animals, but also will delve into other topics that intrigue me, and yes, sometimes wake me at night and keep me awake all night long!

Like many, I have oodles of thoughts that go through this head of mine every day. Sometimes it is quite noisy in here, so writing helps me get it out. In the process, it is my hope to continue to inspire and encourage you and others to listen more often to your own inner voice and live from that place that is authentically you — because I believe that when you do, you create a meaningful life for yourself.

So without further ado, I wanted to share one of my random thoughts that came to me at five this morning.

Words can mean so many different things to so many different people. I was thinking of the word pretty verses the word beautiful.

What instantly came to mind is that beautiful seems to encompass so much more than the word pretty.  In some ways the word pretty seems superficial to me.

When I think of someone who is beautiful, being pretty can play into it, but most often it is who they are as a whole – when I can see someones inner light glowing from the inside, out. Someone whose character speaks to the truth of who they are. That they aren’t concerned with the outside worlds thoughts, but following what it is that brings them joy.  This is so beautiful when you get to see this in someone.

Thinking back to my younger days in my 20s and 30s, I so wish I had understood the wisdom of beautiful and hadn’t got so caught up in society’s standard of pretty, trying to achieve and maintain that. It was exhausting.

My English yellow Labrador, Kylie, is another definition of beautiful to me. While yes, I think she is quite pretty, but then I may be biased (grin), I also see her soul when I look into her eyes.

And even better?  I feel her soul which is all about gentleness, kindness, sweetness, forgiveness, and love. She exudes it every moment of every day.

But when I see someone who I know is living from the heart of who they are there is nothing more beautiful, I think. It makes me think of artist, Marie Wulf. I admire her greatly not only for her deep love of all animals, but how she moves to the beat of her own drum. Every time I see a photo of her, I can see her true, inner light. It makes me smile and encourages me to continue to be who I am.

My artist friend, Marie is another person I think is beautiful because she is so, well, so Marie! I also think of Kathryn Hepburn, artists, Katie Daisy and Brianna Brunsell, and so many more.

And then it surely does go to the saying that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” But I think it worth giving thought to what it is we find beautiful and when we do, I think it helps lead us down the path of what it is that matters most. At least this has, and continues to be the case for me.

The more I let the loud noise of society’s expectations and definitions of pretty and beautiful fade away, the more my inner world matches my outer world, and I see beauty in a way that adds to my definition of living a meaningful life.

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