bird oracles

The Sparrow and the Crow

There are mornings when I can’t seem to make it through my yoga practice without having to stop and admire something that catches my eye outside my writing cottage window.

Today was such a day. Here was this small sparrow perched atop a decorative crow art piece in my garden. Looking at the photo as I posted it here I heard, “lean on me.” Like in the song where it goes on to share that when you don’t feel strong, to turn to a friend, and they will help you out.

There are days when we feel small and alone. But then there are days when we feel like we can take on the world. Both are necessary for living a balanced life. Sometimes we need help. Other times we need to rely on going inward and being with ourselves while remembering we are truly never alone.

Well, there you have it. This pretty much sums up how I was feeling this morning. Thank you sparrow and crow for the reminder that life is all about the yin and the yang. And the importance of interruptions, of which is how I could have viewed as an inconvenience, but instead feel grateful for the teaching.

