
Message from Sparrow – Hang On.

Message from Sparrow - Hang on.

Oh spring, where have you gone?

Hey, little sparrow, do you know where spring is?

Spring is always in your heart dear one.

You must continue through your day as if….

As if it is here. It never left. This is what spring is.

A tease of what can be and what will be.

Live in the warm abundance of faith that spring is already here.

Continue to prepare for new things to come so you can wrap your arms around her with the deepest of gratefulness when she peeks in again.

Each day that unfolds brings us closer to all the glories she will bestow upon us if we are patient enough.

There is magic in waiting for that anticipation.

It is also called hope.

Spring loves hope. It is what spring is.

Magical hope that spring never fails to grace us with the sweet smells of fresh earth awakening, tender roots reaching for the sky, and a sun that takes delight in warming every living being.

Hang on, dear one. Don’t lose faith. Spring is already here.

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One of My Favorite Sounds

robinOne of my favorite summer time sounds is hearing robin’s splash in the bird bath outside my writing cottage screen door.

Today as I approached the door to open it, I saw this fluffy fellow on the deck rail. I stood very still. I waited and waited hoping he’d jump in the bird bath and splash around.

Apparently he has his dignity and would not begin his bath until I moved back into my cottage.  But I was able to get close enough to snap this picture of him splish-splashin’ away.


How Easy it is to Sing


Today as I ran out to my car to warm it up before running my errands I heard the birds singing away.  I thought to myself, “Didnt’ someone tell those birds it’s frigid outside today?”  It was below zero and a windchill to boot.

But then I stopped and thought, “Oh, how lovely, the birds ARE singing.”

How easy we can get into a funk on a bone chilling day. But the sun was shining and the birds were singing. That put warmth right into my heart and set the tone for my day. I found myself humming as I walked down the aisles of the grocery store.  I, myself, a bird, making the choice to sing no matter what.

“People are about as happy as they make their minds to be.”  ~Abraham Lincoln