Months ago I asked for feedback on two photos I was contemplating using for my book cover for my book coming out in early 2013, Through Frankie’s Eyes: One Woman’s Journey to Her Authentic Self and the Dog on Wheels Who Led the Way. Overwhelmingly the photo below is what most of you chose– and I’m so grateful for your feedback. Really! But…..

I just completed an eight week online course of which I was fortunate enough to be offered a free critique of my book cover by Book Designer, Joel Friedlander. This was very generous of him because I know he is quite busy with many projects. I’ll admit I was nervous hitting the send button before sending it to Joel. Why? Because I didn’t want him to say it wasn’t a good photo for book cover purposes. Why? Because I happen to be very attached to the photo. But I also knew from everything I’ve learned from the course and what Joel offered, that the cover is VITAL to helping my book sell. People do judge a book by its cover. I had to let go of the sentimental attachment I felt.
Joel was very kind in his comments back to me and said, “Unfortunately, I think that’s the real problem: the photo is not very good for a book cover I’m sorry to say. If you want to use a photo you might think about getting a pro to photograph Frankie or Frankie and you. The largest element in the current photo is your back–not usually a selling point, even for someone as attractive as this author.”
I’m glad I had him critique the photo so I can now move forward. As I gave thought to this I realized I knew of a pro photographer that was “right under my nose,” so to speak, for a few weeks now. She will be taking a photo of Frankie which will be used in a 2013 therapy dog calendar that will help raise money for a cancer care fund in our area. It all worked out and the day of that shoot, she will also take some photos of me and Frankie with hopes of getting something similar as the above- but more of a close up shot-with both of us facing the camera or angled somewhat. If this does not work out, I still have plan C, which I won’t share right now… and because I am truly hoping we do get the shot of Frankie and I that will work for the cover.
I’m always learning in this publishing business and this book means a lot to me and I want it to be as right as it possibly can. After all, I’ve put a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and $$$ into this book, so to not have a good cover could have serious implications. For those of you who love this photo, and again, I thank you so much, it is likely it will end up inside my book as the start of one of the chapters. I think that’s a good compromise. So…. stay tuned!