book editing

The First and the Last: Always the Most Challenging.

The First and the Last: Always the Most Challenging.
Downtown, Plymouth, WI

Good Monday Morning. Friends, (err, I see it is really afternoon as I glance at my computer clock!)

Just an update as to why I’ve not posted much lately to my blog. I’ve been working on updating my manuscript, Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift with the edits made by my editor.

And this morning I was oh, so close! But then my mouse died.  I’d rather do my edits with a mouse and as much as I could have let this deter me, I didn’t. I wanted it done, and by-golly, I did it. Happy dance here!

Then I ran to Wal-mart and bought a new mouse. He’s sweet and cute… and best of all, he will keep me to the task of finishing this book.  Thank you, dear, little gray and black mouse called Logitech.

It felt good to walk away from the screen and I’d hoped the right words would find me for the last sentence of my book as I drove the eight miles to town – the ones that will make me feel like it is complete.

But I’m stuck again. My challenge in writing any book is usually the first line, and especially the last…. I want to leave the best overall feeling and impression that I can. So it’s one I’m marinating in right now – working and re-working it – until I feel that magical “aha!” that is it – of which hasn’t occurred yet – and I’m hoping it comes soon.  But goodness knows I must remind myself once again to TRUST THE PROCESS -which means sometimes you have to distract yourself momentarily which I’m doing right now by writing this post.

All I have yet to do then is write the Afterward and back to my editor it goes for a final proofread. I’ve given myself a deadline to have the Afterward written by the end of Wednesday. Because then, my friends, I will be immersing myself in a birthday celebration. Thursday lunch with my mom, Saturday movie and pizza with my Prince Charming (my friend Miss Marie calls John this all the time!), then sleepover on my birthday, on Monday at my birthday buddy, Victoria’s house (yup, we share the same birthday!), shopping and lunch with her the next day, and Friday I wrap up my week long celebration with lunch with my dad.

So see why I set this deadline?  I’m feeling oh-so ready to not only whoop up in celebration of my impending 53rd year on this planet but to also celebrate another milestone in my life with this book almost complete.

Okay, back to marinating in words!  Stay tuned….

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“Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift.” The Rewards of Book Editing.

"Wisdom Found in the Pause - Joie's Gift." The Rewards of Book Editing.

Just as it began to storm this afternoon, I finished the editing of the printed version of my manuscript. My first task when I got it back from my editor recently was to go through and read the changes and accept or reject them. I also had to clean up some areas where more clarification was needed.

When that was done, I had the manuscript printed out at my local printers. You’d be amazed at looking at it on paper how you find mistakes you might not have otherwise on the computer. But that is what I’ve been working on this week. And now that task is complete. Next I will make the changes on my file in the computer.  I also came up with chapter titles as I edited the paper version. So now I will let those marinate in my mind and sleep on them for a few nights.

Lastly, I will write the Afterword. I’m sure that will begin to form words and begin to wake me the next few early mornings. That is typically what happens for me. But I’m looking forward to it and welcoming the writing of it.

The rewards of editing have been seeing it come closer to a finished product. And one of the nicest rewards was sitting on my over-sized wicker chair in my writing cottage with Miss Gidget nestled next to me. She has been wonderful moral support.


And today after I finished the paper edited version, I sat down and s-l-o-w-l-y ate a Ghirardelli dark chocolate and mint square. One must have a special treat when one has worked so hard!

Another reward is feeling more at peace with this book. The book cover is in the process of being designed which is exciting. I can’t wait to share it with you!

And lastly, I’m ready now more than ever to finally let this book go and out into the world to find its way. It’s been a long journey but one I’ve come to understand had to unfold as it did.

I hope you will stay tuned friends and join me in the celebration of the creative process!

 Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Just When I Wanted to Give Up. Dancing in a New Portal. I Welcome it!

Dancing in a New Portal. I Welcome it!

I love this from author, Susan Branch (who I adore!) and for me I’d replace kitty with doggie (grin):

Now I get to organize them into some sort of sense that spells B-O-O-K.  Don’t ask me how, because I don’t know yet.  I compare the process to sweeping the kitchen floor.  All the tiny bits and pieces are scattered to every corner, I sweep and sweep and the crumbs and kitty hairs come closer to each other, I sweep some more until they are one solid thing in the dust pan.  That’s book writing.

Yesterday I finally had the chance to walk through a new portal – and a very welcome one at that.

On Monday I had many thoughts running amok in my mind – thoughts that had me wanting to throw in the towel and quit. I wondered if this writing books business was all worth it.

My books written to date have felt quite a bit different than the one I’ve been working on for the past three years, Wisdom Found in the Pause. I felt like Susan writes that there were many pieces scattered and I wasn’t quite sure how to fit them together, or if I even had a story to tell – or one that others would want to read. In other words, I’ve had much more self-doubt with this one.

It also took longer for my manuscript to be returned from my editor than I had anticipated or experienced in the past. From what I understand, in part, do to her work load. It was definitely a test for me to hang in there – and not let my mind run too crazy with wild (and likely not true) thoughts.

Mid-morning Tuesday when I opened my inbox to see an email from my editor with my manuscript attached my heart started to beat faster. This. was. it. It. was. finally. back.

I took a deep breath and opened the file and quickly scanned it. I let out a sigh of relief. I’ve got work to do, but I feel much more confident about putting it out into the world – which my hope is still by year end – if not sooner.

And my whole psyche has shifted to now feeling excited and ready to hunker down and do the work. I welcome it!  In fact, the editing process is one of my favorite parts of the writing process. This is when I see my words whipped into shape and it’s like dusting the furniture seeing a new sheen come to the surface.

I also enjoy the process of putting all the other pieces together such as working with a book cover designer, who I’ll be talking with next week, and then putting the interior layout together, too.

There is much to be done, but I’m so happy to be dancing in this new portal!

The photo above is of my friend Miss Marie’s gate that leads to her front porch. Most days in the summer you will find me out on a morning walk and this is one of my favorite sites to see. There is something so mysterious, but comforting at the same time about it. Just like writing a book – mysterious when you are putting the pieces together and oh, so comforting when it starts coming together!

 Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.