book review

Book Review: Hounded- The Lowdown on Life from Three Dachshunds by Matt Ziselman


I didn’t want this book to end. What a delightful, honest, sincere, loving book! My poor husband had to endure endless shaking of the bed as I chuckled reading the many antics of Baxter, Maya, and Molly.

As I was nearing the end of the book I really began to wonder if author Matt Ziselman may have been a Dachshund in a former life because his accounts of what this breed is all about are so right on!  But I especially related to, and enjoyed, the lessons he has learned (and continues to learn) from his loving trio of short-legged dogs.

As much as these weensters can also frustrate their human friends, I was brought to tears when Matt talks about all three draped on him as he tries to write the final chapter of the book. With Maya pinning down his right arm he says, “I want them to stay right where they are…I will have free and full movement of my right arm, and my heart will not feel as full and warm as it does right now. I want my friends to stay.”

This is a must read for every Dachshund owner out there, or I should really say, for every person that is owned by a Dachshund. But it is also a must read for anyone struggling with challenges, and let’s face it we all are. But seeing life through the eyes of our four legged friends is a refreshing and encouraging way to just get on with life with a little humor and learning to live in the moment.

Learn more about Hounded on their Facebook page, Twitterwebsite, or order a copy today from Amazon!

A Dog Named Leaf: The Hero from Heaven Who Saved My Life by Allen Anderson. A Book Review.


I had the honor of being asked to review this wonderful new book by Allen Anderson. Hope you enjoy my review!

It takes courage to share your story. I also think to share the deep love of a pet takes courage. The fact that Allen, being a man, shares his deepest fears and also his amazing love for Leaf makes this book truly inspiring. We’ve heard many stories of the connection between women and dogs, or children and pets, but to hear Allen share his deepest thoughts and biggest fears, as well as, his devotion and love for Leaf touched me deeply.

As I read the last page of his book I wanted to weep. I wanted to weep for those that never experience a connection like Allen and Leaf have. I wanted to weep in happiness for Allen and his recovery. I wanted to weep for the courage it took for Allen to share this remarkable story that some may find hard to believe at times. But I know it is real as I’ve experienced some profound moments with my own dogs, just like Allen has with Leaf.

If you’ve ever doubted animals have souls, this book will open your heart and mind to truly believing we are all connected. You will never doubt again. Your life will be enriched far beyond what you could have ever imagined and you will have author Allen Anderson to thank for it.

A Dog Named Leaf is a great gift idea for the dog loving friends and family in your life!

Find out more about Linda and Allen Anderson’s work on their website, Angel Animals. You can also follow them on Facebook!

Shifting Into Purer Consciousness~Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience

As part of the virtual book tour for Yvonne Perry’s latest book, Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience, I am sharing the review I wrote for the book and a video. You may learn more about Yvonne and her book at

Title: Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience

Author: Yvonne Perry

ISBN-13: 978-0-9825722-9-0

Publisher: Write On!, May 2012





My Review:

Over the past few years I’ve come to a place of not fearing death, but instead embracing the beauty of what this means for the next steps on my journey. Yvonne’s book has helped me take that up another notch with understanding that if we are open to all the possibilities, it will positively enhance where we are right now in this moment. And the most comforting thing is knowing we truly are all one as Yvonne says, “You and me—everyone on the planet—standing side by side in unity and oneness. We really are one.” And most powerful and deeply touching for me is realizing that this means whether we are here in physical body or not, that we are, and will always be, connected.

Yesterday, the tour stopped at The Journey Into Consciousness Radio Show. Tomorrow the tour will be at Carol Lawrience’s blog Social Media Help 4 U and I invite you to visit that site to learn more about the spiritual transition we are currently in. See the full tour schedule at .