book review

Review of Frankie’s Newest Book Hits the Big Times!

Having a review from not just one little girl, but two, is the best review you can ask for when you have a children’s book.  You know they don’t hold anything back, are honest, and speak from their hearts.  A few weeks ago when I read Madeline and Sophia’s reviews of my newest book, Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House  I was touched beyond words.

Today I found out their review made it into the big times!  WOW! This is so thrilling!  And thrilling to just picture these two young girls, gleaming with pride that their review made it into the Chicago Sun Times! Fantastic!!  Congratulations, Madeline and Sophia… and thank you again from the bottom of my and Frankie’s heart.


Testimonial for Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House

What a wonderful way to start my day with this unsolicited testimonial from Vicki who recently read our newest book.  I asked her if I could have her permission to share, of which she graciously agreed.  Thank you, Vicki!

This book is pure love.  And what a treat to see that the story is told once again by Frankie!  I so enjoyed all the vignettes, and the illustrations are beautifully done.  Thank you to Barbara and Frankie for continuing to share their journey with the world.  They are both treasures.

~Vicki Tiernan, co-author, Almost Perfect, Disabled Pets and the People who Love Them

Animals Taught Me That: Book Review

The journey that Dr. Kim Bloomer embarked on with animals since she was a child, portrayed in great detail in Animals Taught Me That are lessons of everyday life.  Kim has gracefully shown us through her sometimes painful past lessons what is gained by simply observing, respecting and loving every creature God has given us.  She had the courage to admit her mistakes, move forward, and share them in Animals Taught Me That so we as a society can learn and return to the real reason we have been blessed with animals on this earth.  I believe Kim continues to this day to share what she knows and continues to learn, all in the name of deep compassion and unconditional love for all of the animal kingdom.  Whether you love animals or not, Animals Taught Me That is a must read for everyone so that we can all live together as God intended… in peace, harmony and respect for one another.


Dr. Kim Bloomer and the dog love of her life… Shadrach the adorable Neo Mastiff

Learn more about Dr. Kim Bloomer through Aspenbloom Pet Care and her weekly radio show Animal Talk Naturally

Get your copy today!