book review

Reviews for “Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Thearpy Dog Visits Libby’s House” are Coming In

As our book Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby's House makes it out into the world I am always thrilled to see positive and uplifting reviews come in.  Below is a 5-star review we just received.  For more reviews you can check them out at Amazon.  If you have read our newest book and wish to submit a review, we would love and appreciate it very much!  It is quite easy to do.

I would like to take this opportunity to also let you know that to do our part in helping during this tough economy we have reduced shipping costs, as well as offer special book bundle pricing for the Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Dog Book Series.  We also now offfer bulk discounts too, so please contact us if that is something you are interested in.

This review comes from Yvonne Perry, author of The Sid Series

Appreciate the elderly and disabled

When I think of all the animals that are destroyed because they have a disability, it saddens me–especially when I see the good that comes from using a disability to help others. That's the case with Frankie, the Walk `N Roll Therapy Dog. In Barbara Techel's new book, she tells how she and Frankie became a therapy team and the joy that visiting Libby's House brings to them and the residents. Libby's House is a senior facility where residents have Alzheimer's, dementia, or some physical challenge from aging.

Beautiful illustrations by Victoria Kay Lieffring enhance the telling of this story. Any child or adult will enjoy seeing Frankie perched in various places like the kitchen sink, her doggie car seat (where she serves as co-pilot), the teacher's desk, Daniel's lap, the dining room table (ready to help blow out the candles on 100-year-old Martha's birthday cake), and on the sofa or beside the wheelchair of an elderly resident. Each month, the folks at Libby's House eagerly await the arrival of Barbara and Frankie ready to pet the pooch who is paralyzed in her hind quarters.

I love the way Frankie tells her own story in a play-by-play narrative. You may forget that Frankie is not a human. She sure knows how to relate to people, and she's a really polite listener even when Edith tells about Schutzie, yet again! The lighthearted humor in this book will help children and adults understand that the elderly have a lot to offer younger generations–even when they are reminiscing and don't know what day it is!

This book provides an endearing glance to help us better appreciate the preciousness in all of life's stages. Highly recommended for family reading and classroom education.

Sue Hume, Mom of Special Needs Girls Reviews Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Dog

I love Sue's blog tag line:  "Helping Women Find Hope."

Sue Hume is special mom of two teenage girls and founder of Hope for Special Moms, a ministry that provides spiritual support and encouragement to women raising children with special needs. She is also a writer and speaker passionate to help women discover who God is and how He works in their lives.

Sue's review of Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Dog was extra special.  I appreciated the fact that she said, "Although it's not a faith-based book, an adult could easily add comments throughout about prayer and God."  I wrote back to Sue and thanked her for this and shared with her that when I do my talks to local schools and organizations, how I talk about how my faith in God got me through everything with Frankie, to writing the book, etc.  And as many of you know, who follow me, I do have a strong faith and had made the decision to look for the blessing in Frankie's situation, instead of feeling sorry for Frankie and myself.

Having that faith and doing my best to "Let Go and Let God" has made this journey quite remarkable to date, and for that I am so very thankful… and just as thankful for people like Sue, who see the value and beauty in the lessons a dog on wheels can not only teach our children, but adults as well.

As a special bonus, Sue had Frankie's book as a give-away to pass the message forward and you can check out this special little girl who won the book!!

Nurse Mommy on Our Tour Stop Today!

Today Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Dog is reviewed on The Nurse Mommy website with Paige Visintin.

Be sure to stop by and leave a comment.  Your name will be entered into a drawing for a Frankie gift to be given away at the end of the month.  Four prizes total to be given away from Frankie's store.