This month we are looking at exploring uncertainty. Sure seems to be an ongoing theme, right? No need to worry as it’s just another opportunity to help us grow in learning to stay grounded during these times that can feel like we are on a rollercoaster.
Butterfly gracefully invites us to view change in a positive way so that we can transform and evolve far beyond our wildest dreams!
I was so excited to catch this butterfly hanging out on my sedum plant outside my writing cottage. I see the bumblebees and honey bees aren’t the only ones who love this sweet plant.
How can you not smile when you see a beautiful butterfly, right? It reminds me of the short story Kathleen Kelly (played my Meg Ryan in the movie You’ve Got Mail) talks about as she observes a butterfly in NYC riding the subway…and how the butterfly gets off the train and Kathleen is quite sure the butterfly was headed downtown to buy a hat. That just tickles my inside every time I watch the movie and hear that line as I try to imagine what sort of hat that butterfly will buy! Oh! I must watch the movie again.
I also found this quote that I simply loved from author S.C. Lourie which I feel speaks so much to the many sides of the feminine, if we allow it to be.
Please don’t mistake my softened heart. I haven’t fluttered my whole way here. I’ve roared my way here too. I am tiger as much as I am butterfly. Honour your growls as much as your flutters. We need them both in this life. ~S.C. Lourie
And indeed, I think we need them both in this life, at this time, more than any other. So growl and flutter! Growl and flutter.
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Photo credit: Paula Pipping Hirschmann (my sister)
This morning I had the impulse to randomly open one of my journals where I collect quotes because I wanted to share one with you today.
It so happened (synchronicity!) to be one about the butterfly. This made me think of the beautiful photo of a butterfly my sister posted on her wall yesterday.
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. – Maya Angelou
This got me thinking about the wisdom of butterfly that feels fitting for me and perhaps it may for you too.
I think oftentimes we forget how far we have come and about all the positive changes we’ve made in our lives. How easy it is to think we are not enough, haven’t done enough, and need to be and do more.
This has been a practice for me to know that I am enough…no matter what. All those years I was in the “spotlight” so to speak with my work with my disabled dog, Frankie, and now I’m in a place where I’m content with more solitude.
But yet, I still have this need to make a difference in the world. And the butterfly reminded me that I am…no matter what…just as long as I honor my true heart and live from that space.
All the different layers of myself I’ve peeled away and shed over the years have brought me to this place called me that I am right now. A place, I for the most part, am quite happy about. I’m happy with the changes I’ve made for myself, though not always easy.
And so the butterfly reminds me to pause and remember all I’ve done to get to this point. All the little steps I’ve taken along the way (and will continue to). And as I sit for a moment to look at the photo of this butterfly I see it coming in and landing ever so softly on the flower. In my minds eye I see it opening and closing its wings in the most graceful way – reminding me that there is beauty in the pause and there is beauty when we take flight once again…and that there is beauty in each moment and stage of our lives.
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