canine-human bond

Kylie Working her Therapy Dog Magic on Her Special Friend

IMG_0237As I’ve said in the past, as well as write about in my book, “Through Frankie’s Eyes,” I had high hopes that Kylie would have been my therapy dog 8 1/2 years ago when I brought her home as a pup. Instead, Frankie filled that role. And as it turned out, Kylie is a homebody, and venturing out into the world is not her thing.

But she loves and adores our friend, Cassy. In fact, besides me and John, Kylie has never let anyone lay on her like a pillow as she does with Cassy.

These two were meant to come together in the special way that they have. To fill a beautiful role in each others lives. It always warms my heart when I see these two bonding together. I love them both so much.

Last night we grilled out, played ladder golf, and had beautiful conversation with Cassy. We reminisced about how the fact this weekend one year ago she came to live with us as she transitioned through a divorce. Last summer seems now like it is so surreal. But in that time we all formed a bond  that feels like our own special definition of family.

We all have learned so much in the past year – some times trying and hard – but the rewards of being there for Cassy have been some of the greatest blessings for John and I. We often call her our “little bird.” To see her flying out into the world on her own now (she moved out last September) comes with so many emotions I never thought I’d experience and I’m grateful for all of them.

And it turns out after all that Kylie is her own unique therapy dog in that she will always give Cassy a soft place to lay her head when she needs it, as we will always welcome Cassy to her “home away from home” when she needs it, too.

The Shifting of Frankie’s Spirit


It has taken me a few days to write about this. I guess it’s just one of those things that left me wondering if it really happened, or was it my imagination. But I’m going to trust my intuition here, as well as trust once again, that yes, we are all connected–whether those we love are here physically or not.

Last week Friday, in the early evening I finally had a moment to sit on the sofa and do one of my favorite things which is peruse through my Country Living magazine, with Joie by my side.  But let me back up for a moment.

After Frankie passed in June, everyday after that for over three months I’d take a moment each morning and look at the family photo of us above. I’d touch Frankie’s head as if petting her, telling her how much I missed her and loved her… would always love her. Often times at night, I’d feel the need to look at her in the photo as I sat on the sofa reading.

So this past Friday, finally beginning to relax after my big three weeks of releasing the special edition of my book, plus my book launch, it felt good to find my way back to a routine again. But all of a sudden, I heard a voice in my head say, “I’m moving on now.” I immediately looked up at Frankie’s picture and my eyes filled with tears.

Silently I said, “No, please don’t go!”

Then I heard, “I’ll still be here, not far, if you need me. But you will be okay now.”

My lip started  to quiver and I felt as if Frankie was moving through me. It was as if her spirit lifted up a bit further than where she was before. I sat in this feeling for a few moments questioning if it was really happening. Not wanting it to happen, but knowing she was right. I am, and will be, okay.

I then smiled and told her it was okay to rest now.  As I’ve moved through the past few days since then I’ve felt Frankie’s spirit become lighter and lighter- not a bad thing- but a comforting feeling that her work is now completely done. She got me through the book launch of our shared story and now she rests in the peace that she did a job well done.

Indeed she did. I’ll always love you sweet Frankie for all you did for me. Be well, rest well, and know that I carry you in my heart always.