canine love

Counseling Session Now Open

Counseling Session Now Open
Gidget and Kylie

You know how it is that Lucy from the Peanuts is available for counseling sessions for five cents?

Well, it seems Kylie was just that for Gidget today.

Gidget had to have her nails cut at the groomers. I’ve tried to cut them, but no way, no how, will she let me.

She does not care for it too much at the groomers either, but at least I can hold her and try to calm her as the groomer cuts her nails.

The minute we got home, she crawled into Kylie’s kennel and snuggled up to her.

I imagined she was telling her all about the “big bad groomer.” And Kylie was without a a doubt listening and trying to soothe little G’s traumatic morning.

It’s hard to imagine Gidget without Kylie and how that will be if Kylie should leave this earth before she does.

But for now, counseling sessions are open whenever Gidget needs them and Kylie, being the nicest dog ever, does not even charge her for the visits.

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Kylie The Dog with A Huge Heart

Kylie The Dog with A Huge Heart
Kylie The Dog with A Huge Heart (and her pesty sidekick Gidget)

When I brought Gidget home from a rescue in Las Vegas, she hated being in a kennel. She’d chew apart any bedding or blanket that was inside and she practically flew out the end when I came home to let her out.

But Kylie’s kennel?  Well, that she loves. And Kylie, with such a huge heart lets Gidget be Gidget — which isn’t always easy to put up with when one said little dog who can be quite demanding at times for attention and having things her way (typical doxie style!).

Gidget goes in streaks where the minute Kylie is out of her kennel, she lets herself in. And then there are the times even if Kylie is in her safe, happy place in her kennel, well, no matter, Gidget barges in on her space.

Gidget does not seem to know her boundaries, but luckily for her, big yellow dog with a heart as huge as Texas, never seems to mind the intrusion.

I can’t say as I’d be the same. Boundaries are something I’ve worked hard on!

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It’s the Little Things

K & G

What will I remember at the end of my life?

I think most of the things I worry about won’t matter.

But it’s the little things.

A little thing that turns into a big thing when my heart explodes into a rush of oozing hot liquid love seeing Kylie and Gidget side-by-side watching the world outside the front door bloom into spring.

How does one possibly describe that deeply, intense feeling of pure love?

What seems such a little thing lights up the whole day.

Worries in an instant melt away.

Nothing needs to be done.

All I need is to be.

In their presence.

In this space and time hanging ever so delicately in balance.

Inviting me to take it all in.

Deep down into this space of truth.

This truth that is always there.

To let it fill my heart.

To feel with absolute knowing.

That this… this is what matters.