I think St. Francis embodied the value of the inner journey and inner leader…
For most of my life, I feared the word leadership because I didn’t feel like a leader and it conjured up ideas of materialism and doing what you had to do at all costs to reach the ‘top of the ladder.’ Quite opposite of the simple life I truly love.
During the recent Animal Wisdom World Summit host, Dr. Cara Gubbins asked each speaker their thoughts on being a leader and what it is we need in terms of leadership for our world today.
It’s definitely a subject that conjures up many of us things we wish to see changed. But it’s also a call to look at ways in which we can become our own leader within.
Some thoughts that came from some of the speakers about leadership were:
- Embrace our own inner leader and remember we aren’t alone. ~Tammy Billups
- There are different kinds of leaders and this is what we need, along with understanding that not all leaders need to be human. ~Nancy Windheart
- We need to embrace nature as part of our team. ~Maia Kincaid
I was especially touched by Nancy sharing that not all leaders need to be human. In my life, it’s been dogs and animals in the wild that have been some of my greatest teachers encouraging me to trust my inner leader.
Being a leader can indeed at times feel like we are alone because when we begin to step into who we are others may not like it.
But I’ve found that the more I embrace my inner leader, the more like-minded souls come into my world. This strengthens my well-being and gives me the courage to keep being who I am.
I enjoyed Maia sharing that we need to embrace nature as part of our team. Nature is such a perfect example of leadership that does not force but follows the rhythm of natural laws and a way of being that is kinder and gentler to body, mind, and spirit.
During my interview with Cara, she asked me if I saw myself as a leader. It took me a few moments to answer because many emotions overcame me.
It took me until 55 years old to finally see myself in this way, which was only two short years ago. At times it can still feel fresh and surreal as I continue to embody this way of being.
But I know now that being a leader is about being who I authentically am. Whether in a ‘big’ or ‘small’ way it’s about living from my true self for the sake of being that vibration in a world that so desperately needs for each of us to truly embrace who we are.
I paused before answering Cara’s question as I thought about all those that still don’t yet feel worthy and those that doubt their own inner leader. I know how painful and vulnerable this can feel. It was with great joy to declare that I AM a leader!
Despite any wounding from our past which can keep us stuck in believing we can’t be a leader, I hope I was able to instill in others through my voice and story, that they are worthy and can indeed live by the beat of their own drum.
Can you imagine the world if we all embraced our inner leader? It sends chill bumps up and down my spine just thinking about it. What a beautiful world it would be! This time we are going through, on our way to a New Earth, is one in which I hope we can continue to build upon the fact that we now more than ever is the time to embrace your inner leader.
So how do we begin to do this?
I believe it’s by doing the inner work, just as I’ve so often shared over the years here in my letters, my blog, and in my memoirs.
I believe it’s about understanding our pain and opening to the gifts in what we’ve gone through as that which has given us a strength we’d not possibly have had.
It’s about reaching out for support in working through those things we feel fear around so we can rest in a more peaceful space within ourselves.
The more I continue to do my own inner work, the more I’m able to stay rooted in who I know I am. The more I do this the more I have compassion for myself and for those around me. The more I love and respect myself, the more I want to continue to be the leader of my life.
I also believe that being the leader of our lives is about feeling all of life – even when it’s hard. Do I do this 100% all the time? No, I don’t. But being a leader I believe, also means not judging ourselves and trusting we will take what we’ve learned and do better next time.
And as speaker Dawn Brunke shared, “Everything is going to be okay. This is about evolution.”
Evolution individually, and as a collective, for a more peaceful world.
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