Yes, today is my birthday. And I happen to be one of those women who loves to celebrate her birthday as well as not being afraid to say how old I am. I’m 49 and looking very forward to turning 50 next year. There are many who don’t make it to 49 or many who have big challenges– so I embrace my birthday and give thanks that I am here to see yet another year and that my life is pretty darn good.
Something else I’ve come to believe in the past few years is that we come through our parents– meaning we choose how we came into this world. I sure made one wise choice when I chose my parents. Though they have been divorced for what seems eons, I learn from both of them- and they have helped shape who I am. I don’t know what I’d do without my mom who is not only my mom but a best friend, too. I can pretty much talk to her about anything– and I know how lucky I am to have that.
Though this birthday does feel a bit bittersweet not having my little Frankie at my side, I give thanks for all the birthday’s we did share together.
So what will I do today? Well I have a massage scheduled this afternoon that was a special gift from a friend. I will also spend quality time with my yellow Lab, Kylie. I will go out to dinner with my favorite guy on earth… and I’ve already begun collecting my 49 kisses from him. Tomorrow lunch with one of my most favorite people… yup, you Mom. And Friday lunch with a handsome guy named my Dad. And the grand finale will be on July 27th when I stay overnight to celebrate with my best friend whose birthday is the same day as mine. I’d say I’m one lucky gal.
So why not embrace your birthday instead of dread getting older. There are so many good things about getting older– it’s a choice to consciously look for those things and I plan to continue to do that. And I love what Lauren Bacall once said,”After 50 the bullshit is gone.” Though I think we can make that choice right here and now, no matter what our age to say, no more bullshit. And as Katherine said in the movie On Golden Pond, “Life marches on Chels. I suggest you get on with it.” So let’s get on with it and enjoy every moment!