This chalk painting has become one of my joyful creative outlets. I’m obsessed. But don’t worry, I won’t foam at the mouth or become vicious (at least I don’t think so!). This is a good obsession.
My weekend plans of chalk painting two pieces didn’t quite happen. Besides this side table pictured above, I wanted to paint my outside park bench. But the damp, cold, windy weather put a damper on that.
The upside though is I did visit Dear Old Books bookstore and found some real treasures with Tasha Tudor illustrations (another obsession of mine) — plus a sweet, little bird guide book.

But I digress… well, sort of. There are things that make my house, well, what I describe as cottage-y. I find so much joy in my home and having items around me that I love.
The living room end table I painted is subtle, but I do like it better now. I’ve had that table for a long time which I found at a second hand store. I never liked the color, but loved the design.
I painted the main part in the color Oatmeal and the trim in Glacier – both from the Home Decor FolkArt chalk paint line which I get online or at Joann Crafts.
It’s interesting as the oatmeal color, depending on the lighting of the day, can take on a greenish tint. And the trim, as you can see in the photo, looks a light blue on the front side, but the side with the light from the outside shining on it takes on the hue of a light green.
Another fun chalk paint project was making mushrooms out of clay pots. I’ll be putting these in our new landscaping, which should be beginning soon. I can hardly wait!
But just so you know, they are mushrooms in disguise as fairy houses. But if you believe in faeries like I do, well, you already new that now didn’t you? <WINK>

Today the sun is shining and temps warming to about 60 degrees. The urge to begin painting my park bench is pulling at me big time. So I must get my work done before I can “play” with the colors of Lilac and Sheepskin. ooooo la la!
P.S: Speaking of cottage-y, painting, loving home, and creativity (and add to the mix memoir, kitties, and takes place in New England) … I’m giving away a really awesome book this Friday. It’s a new release that I didn’t want to end. It was so enjoyable! One lucky subscriber to my Joyful Paws newsletter will win. If you’d like a chance at winning, you must be a newsletter subscriber. You can sign up on the top, right hand side of this page. Note: this is different from my blog posts which go out almost daily. My newsletter comes out twice a month and I’m giving away a different book each month until April 2017!
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