Christmas Spirit

Take Peace – Living a Creative Life

Take Peace - Living in a Creative Life
Tasha Tudor and her beloved corgis

Every Christmas season, at least once, if not several times (okay, many times!), I just have to watch a documentary called Take Peace – A Corgi Cottage Christmas with Tasha Tudor.

A children’s book author and illustrator, Tasha passed away in 2008 at the age of 92. I discovered her in 2012 when looking through an old edition of Victorian magazine where they had paid tribute to her.

I became obsessed with her, checking out just about every book at the library I could that was about her, and that she’d also written herself. I also visited the Tasha Tudor Museum in Brattleboro, Vermont the same year I learned about her.

I’m in my obsession mode again having gotten out the Christmas DVD, Take Peace to watch it over the weekend. To me, Tasha truly celebrated in the spirit of the season as it should be. The tree got cut on Christmas eve and decorated on Christmas day, along with many other traditions not practiced too often these days.

She lived in her own world and pretty much self-sustained, within a small English style cottage her oldest son built, out in the country miles away from the outside world.

But what I love most about her, and what really hit home watching the documentary this weekend, is that her creative life was woven into her daily life – there really was no distinction between the two.

Each were instrumental to the other, but it came most naturally to her. Tasha’s children’s books and illustrations depict this very clearly – but it was also how she lived. She wrote and painted what she was living and had lived as a young girl.

Isn’t this what all creative people seek?  I know I do. And I guess it’s why I’m so mesmerized by a woman who was able to make this work. She didn’t let the outside distractions get in her way of what a meaningful life was for her.

While many considered her quite eccentric, and she lived without electricity or running water for the most part of her life, I admire her greatly for living by the beat of her own drum.

As she also states in the film, she was never in a hurry – she didn’t see a point of that and she always took time for tea each day no matter how much was going on her life –and yet she managed to write and/or illustrate close to 100 books in her lifetime.

And I can’t help but think how so often we look outside ourselves for answers, and yet, Tasha found them all within her own world – and that is what she created from.

It was her love of corgi’s, her exquisite flower garden, her love of nature, cooking, sewing, creating, and goats, cats, and doves that she wove right into her paintings and books which are adored to this day by many.

And yup, I’m one who continues to be inspired by her with many books by Tasha I requested from the library so I can once again immerse myself into a space of peace and joy…

And which encourages me to continue to strive to live from that inner light that I call me, and that only I can live from, which I hold sacred and dear.

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Christmas is for the Birds

christmas is for the birds

It’s the coldest day of the season so far. But I felt the need to venture out into my backyard with two small grapevine wreaths, covered in suet and seed, that I purchased Friday at a local eclectic, vintage store called The Red Rooster.

Being a writer, I’m always thinking of my next blog post. I look forward to coming up with what I will write next.  As I hung the first bird seed wreath I thought, Christmas is for the birds.

I thought about the pressure that comes with the holidays and I which I sometimes have to work to not get caught up in it anymore.

Being in nature, as I was just then, was my reminder. I find myself at peace and centered when I’m honoring my heart impulses, the sky above me, and the ground below me as my foundation. And I thought about how animals don’t worry about all the silly things we humans do.

The birds will come and feast upon the wreath and take great delight in being their bird selves. They won’t feel like they need to rush out and get a gift for me because of the gift I provided them.

The fact that Christmas has become so much about consumerism and materialism and getting caught up in what we should do to fit in tugs sadly at my heart now and then.

But being outside today, connecting with the earth and all its beauty no matter which way I turned, this is what Christmas is about to me. It’s about connecting with Spirit, God, Source, Mother Earth and giving thanks for being a part of the vastness of it all.

It’s about honoring and respecting this precious time here. It’s about taking the time to remind ourselves about what’s important to us.

Many moons ago I used to get so caught up in making sure my house was decorated just so and I stressed myself out worrying about just the right gifts to get everyone. I never truly enjoyed the holidays because by the time they rolled around I was stressed and burnt out.

But I now do my best to honor what is right for me. Simplicity, being in nature, time with my animals and John, stillness and solitude.

And funny how when one does this, that then Christmas and the Spirit of it remains with us long into the New Year.

Gazing out my writing cottage window shall then serve as a reminder… that Christmas is indeed for the birds, our earth, all the animals…. and a mirror to which if we look will cast a magical spell onto our human hearts of what the Christmas Spirit is truly all about….Peace. Love. Joy.

christmas for the birds 2

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My Morning Ritual Reveals a Christmas Message

IMG_2198As I shuffled in my slippers across the deck into my writing cottage this morning, it is dark as dawn slowly finds its way through the windows at its own pace.

Two candles I light as a way of inviting Spirit to be with me and opening myself to whatever message it is I need most to hear for the day.

My angel statue holding a heart in her hands — for those I love dearly and hold near to me just by my thoughts of them.

My stones of words that are reminders of how I want to live my life.

A rainbow tree drawing from a friend in the corner with a saying I’ve read each and everyday since I’ve gotten it:  “Peace comes with learning to let go and just be present.”

I find my way to my computer to play some soft music – Christmas tunes this time of year.

As I take my prayer stance before I begin my yoga practice I glance at the altar before me.

Many days messages and thoughts come to me that are gifts for my day.

Today I heard my Christmas message in my thoughts as I took in each word on my stones–

Pause. Capture. Listen. — to the sounds of the season upon us.

Pause to see what is right before you in this moment and reflect on memories that brought you here to this present time, wiser than you were before.

Capture each sound. Capture each emotion. Capture each feeling. Capture each heartbeat in your chest as a reminder of how precious life is.

Listen for the church bells that ring, the laughter of children giddy with excitement, the whisper of snow that falls to the ground, and the sleigh bells in the distant of a horse carriage ride.

Just. Be. You. — sometimes holidays can be challenging with family dynamics, but remind yourself to be you… magnificent, beautiful you. There is no one like you. The gift of you is important and needed.

Peace comes with learning to let go — forgive yourself for anything you feel you didn’t do well. Let go of what you can’t change. Find peace for what was and what will be.

Joy — my favorite message of all for the abundant meaning of it contained in just three letters. Joy for the moment. Joy for the day. Joy for my life and all its many blessings. Joy for this magical season called Christmas.

Through my yoga poses I move with extra grace as if touched by a fairy dusting of love, peace, and joy that fills my heart full up and as my cottage magically becomes brighter with what can only be the holy Spirit shining its grace upon me.

I give thanks for this Christmas message from you dear Spirit.
