
All These Years Later…Frankie and Jackson Still Touch My Heart.

All These Years Later...Jackson and Frankie Still Touch My Heart.
Jackson then with Frankie and Jackson now with me and Gidget

It’s hard to believe Jackson will be entering into 4th grade this fall.

He was only three years old when I met him. His mom, Dawn, and his aunt, Lori, having discovered my first children’s book, Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog at a local resort where I live when they came for a girls weekend away.

Dawn purchased it for Jackson because he has a challenge himself with a mild form of cerebral palsy. At the time, he was having a hard time accepting wearing a new leg brace he had to wear at night.

I will never forget the email from Dawn after she read the book to Jackson and how he could relate to Frankie’s story and her wheelchair. And best of all, how it helped him to accept wearing his brace. I have a chapter in my memoir, Through Frankie’s Eyes dedicated to Jackson and Frankie.

The love and understanding without words, between Jackson and Frankie touched me deeply when I witnessed them meeting for the first time almost seven years ago.

And I’m grateful we stay in touch even though they live in Illinois.

But now and then, they venture to Elkhart Lake and today was such a day! And I was able to see Jackson and his family again when we met for breakfast at our local cafe, Off the Rail.

I was blown away at how grown up Jackson is. And still very sweet and definitely a huge animal lover. He sat on the ground petting Gidget and talking to her.

They were then off to see Bookworm Gardens where Frankie has a statue likeness of her in a wheelchair and a dog house with her name on it. I asked Jackson if he would please give Frankie a kiss for me. As much as I would have loved to go along, I couldn’t due to my schedule.

And oh, how it made my day when Dawn sent me these two photos below of Jackson seeing Frankie’s place of honor for the first time.

Though I was saddened to hear that Frankie’s wheelchair is broken. So I’ve contacted the gardens to see if it is fixable or if we need to see about getting a replacement.

Jackson, a young boy who will always have a special place in my heart right alongside Frankie. How honored I will always feel that by writing Frankie’s story it helped Jackson in such a special way.

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Buddha Gidget Strikes Again. Namaste.

Budda  Gidget Strikes Again

I’m really beginning to think that Gidget is a Buddha who was reincarnated into a wiener dog body.

When something strikes me that I want to pursue, I tend to think I have to get it all done in one sitting.

Such was the case early this afternoon as I got excited about a project (and upcoming class/workshop) I’ve just begun working on in partnership with my friend and animal communicator, Dawn (stay tuned in the future for news about this!).

I went full steam ahead after a Skype call with her. Trying to make sure I captured all the thoughts running wild in my mind. And then they stopped coming.

And I tried to force more thoughts as if a deadline was looming in front of me within the hour. But it isn’t.

But this is how I can get. And why I’m so thankful for my dogs who remind me that pausing is good.

Going for a walk is good. Rolling in the grass is good (well okay, Buddha Gidget rolls and I let my bare feet soak up the energy of the earth). Letting my mind simmer is good.

Catching this photo of her as we took a break out in the yard centered me in an instant…

As if she was conveying to me to s-l-o-w down, take a deep breath, and trust that all will work out just fine, and in just the way it’s supposed to.

I bow in gratitude to my wise Buddah dog friend.  Namaste.

The Surface Movie, featuring Joie, My Beloved Dachshund, Coming to More Theaters

Joie on set of the movie

Joie on the set of the movie, “The Surface.”

Joie was only with me ten short months when I had to make the most humane decision for her and help her cross over.

But boy, did she leave a lasting impact. I would have never dreamed she’d play a part in a movie the week before I had to let her go.


If you believe in destiny, as I do, well, I believe this is why we found each other when we did. Along with the beautiful fact that she filled a void in my broken heart when I lost Frankie four months before.

Though the movie isn’t based on a dog in a wheelchair, it is based on a true story starring Sean Astin, Chris Mulkey and Mimi Rogers. One of the main characters, played by Chris Mulkey, had at one time, a dog in a wheelchair.

During one of the scene’s he has a flashback recalling a morning he was leaving for work. His young daughter and their dog in a wheelchair (played by Joie) helped see him off for the day.

It is a short scene and Joie is perhaps on the screen for about 15-20 seconds. There was a chance the scene would get cut. But it didn’t and I was thrilled when producer Jeff told me she made it in.

I still get goosebumps thinking about the experience and how proud I am that Joie is playing the part of a disabled dog who lives happily within a family.

Because it is an independent film it is still in the process of screenings, but now available in more cities/states. Hopefully soon it will be in all major theaters and when it is, I’ll be sure to post it here on my blog.

Check it out to see if it is playing near you now,The Surface Movie.

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