
What My Paralyzed Dachshund Taught Me about Spiritual Surrender and Letting Go

Frankie book quote 1200The above quote I share from my book, Through Frankie’s Eyes. Each time I think about this, I can still feel emotion rise up in me and I feel this immense gratitude in my heart.

Tomorrow I’m very honored to be taking part in a telesummit as a guest on a panel discussing Spiritual Surrender and Letting Go. As a caretaker to Frankie, letting go and accepting her paralysis wasn’t an easy thing to do at the beginning. I really wanted her to walk on her own again. What came from surrendering and accepting what was, as many of you know, revealed many blessings I could have never predicted.

Each time I struggle now to surrender and let go, I remind myself what I learned from Frankie. We are here to enjoy life and to get back to a place of healing and joy. Frankie was instrumental in my journey for just that in just the way she never felt sorry for herself and adapted, continuing to be the happy little dog she always was, despite having to be in a wheelchair.

I’m excited to talk about this tomorrow during the Radiant Survivor Telesummit. I’ll be on a panel with the world-renowned surgeon Dr. Bernie Siegel.  I keep pinching myself I will be on a panel with him!  I adore him!  One of his earlier audio’s is one that I listened to when I began what I call my spiritual awakening.  This is quite the honor for me to be on this call with him.

I invite you to join us live for this call or if you can’t make the call, do sign up as it will be recorded. The call begins at 2:00pm cst. It is being hosted by author, Erica Tucci who is a stroke survivor.  Her book, Radiant Survivor, which comes out next week shares many stories of others who have learned to let go and surrender during tough challenges.  Frankie and my story is part of the book as my role as a caregiver, which I’m so happy to be a part of.

Hope to “see” you on the call!

Special Announcement: Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Children’s Book Series Now on Kindle

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IMPORTANT:  If you subscribe to my blog via Google Reader, Google is shutting it down as of July 1.  Here is how you can subscribe via another reader.

I’m so excited to share with you this special announcement that my award-winning non-fiction, inspirational children’s books about the life of Frankie, and her volunteer therapy dog work at Libby’s House, a Alzheimer’s facility, are now available on Kindle! During Frankie’s lifetime she inspired thousands of children to be positive and make a difference no matter what their challenges in life.  She continues to inspire generations today and generations to come.

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog

A true, inspirational story about a dachshund whose life started out just like any other dog walking on all four paws until a spinal injury leaves her paralyzed. Frankie is custom-fitted for a wheelchair and learns to keep on rolling. Her zest for life will have you cheering and she will give you hope that all things are possible. Frankie will leave an everlasting and loving paw print on your heart. A book for all ages to teach overcoming challenges and also compassion for the physically challenged.  See reviews here or order your Kindle copy today here!

Awarded: National Best Book 2008 from USA Book News, Merial Human-Animal Bond Award from Dog Writer’s of American Association, Editor’s Choice award from Allbooks Review, and Indie Excellence Awards Finalist

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog keeps rolling along in her doggie wheelchair. This paralyzed dachshund’s unabashed healing, exuberant spirit, and spunky personality is a blessed gift to everyone she befriends. In this true, inspirational story, Frankie tells how she became a registered therapy dog and shares her visits to Libby’s House, a senior facility where many residents have Alzheimer’s or dementia. Frankie teaches us that patience, listening, and understanding opens our hearts to what matters most—love. See reviews here or order your Kindle copy today here!

Awarded: Indie Excellence Award, Midwest Book Award finalist

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Inducted into the Wisconsin Pet Hall of Fame as Companion Dog

***A portion of all proceeds from Barbara’s books, paperback or electronic go to the Frankie Wheelchair Fund which helps dogs with mobility challenges who need a wheelchair.***

Sassy, the Dachshund, Double Amputation Fundraiser

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I want to share a special pup with you. She lives at LoveyLoaves special needs animal sanctuary in FL.  Her caring parents are Cheri and Ward Wells who run the sanctuary. I had the honor of connecting with Cheri on a view occasions because of National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day. In fact, Cheri and Ward totally embraced this special day I founded and had a celebration in honor of the day to help bring more awareness to special needs animals and pets in wheelchairs.  They have huge hearts.

So, dear sweet Sassy– the first time I saw her picture on LoveyLoaves Facebook page, I fell in love with her.  Despite all the love and care she is getting life is not easy for her. Her back legs have always been twisted up her whole life and it is now causing very concerning issues that need to be addressed.  While they have tried various wheelchairs for Sassy, none have worked because of the severe deformity of her back legs. The Wards have done all they can possibly do for her to this point. Double amputation is being suggested so she can live a better quality life.  You can see all the spunk this little one has in a video on their fundraiser page for her.  This little one has spirit one hundred times her size!

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I felt compelled to share Sassy’s story with all of you and ask if you would be so kind to pass along her story. If you are unable to donate, please don’t feel obligated or bad about that, but just passing her story along can help, as well as praying for her.  I don’t know why, but I feel this connection to Sassy and just has to help by sharing her story on my blog.  I guess it is her will to be a dog no matter what her challenges that just tugs at my heart strings and makes me want to cheer her on.  So please share Sassy with others you know and let’s all pray for this little one.  Love you, Sassy!!