
No Words Are Needed to Connect with Your Pet

To see Frankie soaking up the sun warms me from my toes all the way to my head…. And my heart catches in my throat. Did you ever notice that often when you don’t speak, but just observe and appreciate, the depth of the bond between you and your pet deepens?

We communicate our feelings about our pets to others through words or writing and so this is what my heart was feeling as I sat and looked at Frankie enjoying the sun:

My little trooper, we have been on an incredible journey, you and me. All the lives you’ve positively impacted with your inspirational story. How honored I am that you chose me to be your messenger. Every single moment is a deeply rewarding experience with you.

In the beginning when you were first diagnosed with IVDD it was so hard. I yelled at God, “I can’t handle this! I don’t want to take care of a handicapped dog! I don’t know how! Why me? This is so unfair!  God, don’t you understand?—I love animals deeply!”

Ah yes, He did understand. Frankie would turn out to be the blessing for me to grow and evolve in ways I could have never imagined for myself. Today I can say: I like me. I love taking care of my special needs dog. I love my life. I am honored to have been the chosen one to be called, “Frankie’s Mom.” I am full up with Frankie love. I am beyond the word grateful. No words to describe what it has meant for me and you to travel this road together. You are my light. My guide. My sunshine. My heart.

To see you soaking up the sun, enjoying your semi-retirement has been a new lesson of appreciation of what the golden years mean. The connection between you and me that keeps deepening to a new level is a beautiful experience- A knowing in my heart that we will always be connected…. no matter what.

“You are my sunshine… my only sunshine… you make me happy when skies are gray… “ and might I add you bring me joy every single solitary moment of my days?

Win a Set of Frankie’s Dress Up Magnet Sets

Thank you to Pet Blogs United and Pam and Oskar for sharing my story to help educate others about Intervertebral Disc Disease – education is key and saves lives.  Stop on over and check out my story and leave a comment on the blog post for your change to win a set of my fun dress up magnets!  HURRY- ends Wednesday, March 7th, 2012.

WIN a set of my Frankie magnet Dress up Sets!!

My Dachshund Thermometer

I need not ever look at the outside thermometer or watch the weather channel to know if it’s cold outside. I knew it had to be quite cold today when I saw this scene on my bed this morning…

Yup that’s Frankie’s butt after she schnuffled under the bed pillow (schnuffle may not be a word in the dictionary but it is one in our household)…. and scroll down for proof that this is the butt that belongs to Frankie.



Seems like when you are a L O N G dog one can never get both ends tucked in!

We had a great visit to Notre Dame Elementary School today where one of my favorite questions was asked again. It’s usually a boy who asks, and yup, a young boy asked today:  “Does Frankie’s wheelchair ever get a flat tire?”  I told him that she has never had a flat tire, but one tire did come off once, so she was tipped to the side on her axel in the living room, whimpering till I came and jacked her back up again.  Kids always love that story!

Cold, frigid day here in Wisconsin today, but my heart was warmed with how excited all the kids were today to meet Frankie. It was a good day.