For the last two weeks I’ve been practicing my meditation routine again. I had gotten out of the habit for a time being.
Miss Gidget seems to be enjoying it too. The minute I open the door to my writing cottage, she scurries in and heads for my large, peach wicker chair. I pick her up, tuck her in her blanket and this is where we sit Zen for 15-minutes.
Okay, I admit, we don’t always succeed for a full 15-minutes as one of us gets wiggly. But we are doing pretty good. It is why it is called a practice.
After meditation, I’ve been immersing myself in a new daily ritual of working with animal cards — a way of learning more about other animals and understanding their wisdom.
I shuffle the Animal Wisdom Tarot card deck I have with a question in mind. Either something I’m having a challenge with or just asking what it is I need to know for the day.
After a few shuffles, I choose a card at random. I then sit with the card for a few moments listening for a message of its meaning for me.
I journal what thoughts come. This day, having chosen Bat I wrote about how I am learning to be more comfortable in the shadows of unknowns, trying my best to release worry, and accept things as they are.
After I journal for a few moments I turn to the booklet included with the cards. It is always a wonderful confirmation reading Bat’s message according to the booklet which is surrender, release, sacrifice, renew and the overall message of “go within, and let go.”
It’s exactly where I’ve been in my inner world with some things I’ve been working through.
The universe really does support us if we let it.
And I love how often Gidget looks on as the wise self that she is — all these things of which she already knows — as she sits and waits in total patience for me to understand.
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