Last evening, during an online class, facilitated by Tammy Billups, I had the honor of sharing once again the life-changing wisdom I received from my dachshund, Gidget.
With a group of animal lovers and practitioners in attendance, I expanded on Gidget and my story which is included in Tammy’s book, Animal Wayshowers, about animals who have helped shape and change the lives of their human friends.
During the meditation section of the class we all tuned into Gidget’s energy to listen for what she may have to offer each of us.
The message I received from Gidget what short and concise:
Love is the key. That is it.
The more I’ve sat with this, the more I appreciate the message as we humans sure can make so much ado about so many things and then lose our way, getting caught up in our mental wheels that spin and spin. But when we come back to love, so much can fade away that we wonder what all the fuss was about!
Other’s in the class shared similar messages they received of love, along with a message that we are all worthy. My heart overflowed with love and gratitude for this little dog with a big spirit – as she was in life – and as she continues now in another realm.
I then pulled a card from my Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck asking Gidget what she most wanted everyone in class to know as we continue to navigate these challenging times. The card pulled? Penguin and message of Love.
And I felt called to to not only share what transpired last night during our time with Gidget, here on my blog too, along with the message of penguin.
Two loving Penguins side by side, flippers touching in a display of affection and commitment, is symbolic of what we all strive for in a partnership. In fact, many of us view life as complete when we have that special someone to walk beside us through the ups and downs.
There is also the devoted relationship to all aspects of yourself. Penguin reminds you to return to this love of self which is so vital to your growth. Receiving this card means it may be time to gently look at what parts of yourself you struggle with and find hard to face.
Penguin lovingly nudges you to proceed with compassion and love as you come to acknowledge those parts. It’s also important to understand these aspects are there to protect you from being hurt again.
It can be easy to get distracted and fall into the trap of thinking someone else will fill the hurt spaces or fix your perceived inadequate parts, but don’t abandon yourself. Instead, learn to be kind and gentle with the precious being inside.
Remember while the female penguin gives birth, it’s the male that nurtures the egg until it hatches. In this way, Penguin encourages you it’s important to honor the female and female energies within so you can move through life in a balanced way.
When you feel secure in your inner home, the outer world will reflect this in a supportive way. The commitment and consistency of nurturing yourself will then bring friends and partners who are in alignment with the ever-evolving and authentic you. ©Barbara Techel