dawn baumann brunke

Introduction to Animal Communication: Two-Day Workshop with Dawn Baumann Brunke & Hosted by Barbara Techel

talk_to_animal_communicationI’m super excited to announce that I am hosting animal communicator and author, Dawn Baumann Brunke, for a two-day workshop on Animal Communication! I’ve personally experienced some profound connections with my own animals through personal readings I’ve had Dawn do with me and my dogs, Frankie and Joie. These experiences left me the lasting gift of a sense of peace, as well as opened my heart in awe of how we truly are one with our friends in the animal world, whether they are here with us on earth or have crossed over.

It is with the deepest of admiration and respect that I am so honored to be hosting this workshop.  Come join us!shapeimage_4Do you wonder what it would be like to communicate with animals — to actually know what your dog or cat or horse or rabbit is thinking? Are you interested in opening yourself to new ways of seeing, feeling, sensing and knowing the world? Would you like to form a closer relationship with animals and, by so doing, learn more about yourself?

In this two-day workshop, animal communicator and author, Dawn Baumann Brunke, will teach you how to  focus on deepening your connection with animals, nature, self and spirit, and remembering how to communicate with all life.

We will explore how animals communicate with us and how we can awaken and engage our inherent abilities to listen and respond. We will play with a variety of techniques to feel, see, hear, sense and know at deeper levels. And we will practice simple, powerful ways to center ourselves, clear our thoughts, and open our hearts and mind to access the Universal Language of all being.

The class includes all the basics of “how to” communicate with animals through sharing real-life examples, group discussion, questions and answers, and lots of practice, feedback and fun. This is a very hands-on, active workshop! You will not be bored.

Two Day- Workshop

March 8th and 9th, 2014

Each day will consist of:

10:00 am – Noon:  morning session

Noon-12:45 pm- lunch (please bring your own. Tea, coffee and water will be provided)

12:45 -2:15 pm- afternoon session

2:15 – 2:30 pm – break 2:30 – 4:00 pm- afternoon session

It is recommended that you read some of  Animal Voices, Animal Guides:Discover Your Deeper Self through Communication with Animals prior to class. The book is available onAmazon and other online stores. If you are unable to get a copy, please have a look at some of the articles on my website.

Who is Dawn?shapeimage_2Dawn is the author of five books about exploring our connections with the animal world. The books

— Animal Voices

— Animal Guides, Animal Guides

—Shapeshifting with Our Animal Companions

—Animal Teachings

—The Animal Wisdom Tarot

All of the books explore different facets of how communicating with animals expands our conscious awareness, deepens our relationship with all beings, and helps us to discover more about ourselves. I offer animal communication phone readings and workshops. And, I am a former massage therapist, bodywork teacher, and editor of Alaska Wellness Magazine. For more, you are invited to explore my website, Animal Voices.

This class is limited to 12 participants to allow lots of personalized feedback and attention.  Location will be Barbara’s home in Elkhart Lake, WI.

Ready to join us in deeper exploration with our animal friends?  The total cost is $300 for the two-day workshop:


If you prefer to pay by check, please email me, barb@joyfulpaws.com.

Registration deadline is February 12th, 2014.

Cancellation Notice:  Due to the fact Dawn will be flying in from her home state of Alaska to do this workshop, the cost is nonrefundable. The exception will be if we have a waiting list that we can fill your spot, or if you have someone who can take your place. Refunds will be issued if we have less than 10 registered for the workshop.