death of pet

Saying Goodbye to Miss Willow who Inspired Waggin Tails Cookies

Losing a beloved pet can be so difficult.  Add the holiday season and add a pet who inspired you to live your passion, and the loss becomes magnified.  Any loss of a pet is hard and for each of us, we grieve in our own, unique way… and just when we think we are ready to go through this, we find we are not.  So is with my friend, Barbara who is struggling with the recent loss of her dog, Miss Willow.  I don’t think we are ever ready and especially with a friend, such as Miss Willow, and as all dogs do, they love us unconditionally. Not having that presence every day is a big hole in our heart.  And it will take time to accept, look for the new realm of being together, and moving forward… and knowing whatever time that takes is perfectly OK.

Miss Willow was not expected to live to the ripe old age she did, because at eight years old she was diagnosed with cancer.  Barbara would not accept it was the end and did all she could to bring Miss Willow back to health.  Indeed she did, which inspired Waggin Tails Cookies, which are wholesome gourmet cookies…. and wait till you read the age Miss Willow reached.  A testament to good food, positive thinking and lots of love.

My heart goes out to Barbara as she finds her way without Miss Willow… though I know without a doubt, Miss Willow is right beside her in spirit and will continue to be for as long as Barbara needs her.  I received notice of Miss Willow’s death yesterday from Barbara and asked her if I could share her moving, beautiful note with you, my readers.  She graciously agreed.


Miss Willow that inspired the Liver Cookies of Love left us today.  She was born March 25, 1994 and left us December 1, 2009.  A good run to be sure.  I was told over 8 years ago to take Willow home that the cancer left us no hope and to prepare for her to die.  Well, she did not listen.  She was the light of my life and she just got too tired now.  She was almost 16 years old.  She inspired me to make these wonderful cookies.  She taught me how to feed my dog and how to clean my home.  She helped so many other animals that had cancer.

I will forever be grateful for all that we shared and all that she taught me.  She went quietly this morning and I have to say that the Vet was so supportive and caring.  There were flowers and a blanket and candles.  It was as sweet as a horrible moment could be.  I know that she is now again dancing in a young new body and not trapped in the frame of an elderly dog.

I loved you best of all Miss Will..and I always will.  Please hold us all in your prayers as we learn how to do life without Willow here in the form she was this morning.  I know that she will always be with us and I hold her in my heart and give thanks for all the blessings that came from her.

In loving memory to my sweet Willow.

Loss of A Heart-Dog Poem

I recently joined the Rainbow Bridge group page on Facebook.  They have this beauiful poem on their page, so I wanted to share.


I stood by your bed last night,
I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying,
You found it hard to sleep.

I whined to you softly
as you brushed away a tear,
"It's me, I haven't left you,
I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here".

I was close to you at breakfast,
I watched you pour the tea,
You were thinking of the many times,
Your hands reached down to me.

I was with you at the shops today,
Your arms were getting sore,
I longed to take your parcels,
I wish I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today,
You tend it with such care.
I want to reassure you,
That I'm not lying there.

I walked with you towards the house,
As you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my paw on you,
I smiled and said "It's me".

You looked so very tired,
And sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know,
That I was standing there.

It's possible for me to be,
so near you every day.
To say to you with certainty,
"I never went away".

You sat there very quietly,
Then smiled, I think you knew…
In the stillness of that evening,
I was very close to you.

And when the day is over…
I smile and watch you yawning,
And say "Goodnight, God Bless you,
I'll see you in the morning".

And when the time is right for you
To cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you,
And we'll stand side by side.

I have so many things to show you,
There is so much for you to see,
Be patient, live your journey out…
Then come home to be with me.

Author Unknown