disabled dogs

My New Book! Now Taking Pre-orders for Special Edition Gift Package.

Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift

Special Edition Gift Package- Limited Time Only

The day has arrived!  Now taking pre-orders for special edition gift package.

It’s always a roller coast of emotions no matter how many books a writer has written and released out into the world – well, at least that is how I am feeling this morning. So I scrubbed the toilet and then did my Yoga practice (one must keep it all in perspective!). Afterwards I sat in a few moments of silence holding my dear Joie in my heart, played my singing bowl, and gave thanks for the gift of Joie’s teachings and presence in my life.


So without further ado, details below about my new book, gift package, and how to order is below. Please don’t hesitate to email me should you have any questions and thank you….thank you for being a faithful friend here on my blog and a supporter of my work. It means so much.

What my new book is about:

When we get lost while driving, it’s common sense to pull over, reroute the GPS, and perhaps change course. When it comes to the course of our lives, however, we often take a very different approach. Each of us has an “internal GPS” – that still, small voice inside us guiding us to our best and highest good. But what if that small voice is begging us to slow down and re-evaluate our lives? If you’re like most people, you judge this as a waste of time or being lazy. In Wisdom Found in the Pause, Barbara Techel explores both the real-time beauty and long-term benefits of life’s transitional periods.

In what has become Techel’s trademark, Wisdom Found in the Pause shares the profound life lessons we can learn from animals. Her first book, Through Frankie’s Eyes: One woman’s journey to her authentic self, and the dog on wheels who led the way, told the story of how a paralyzed dachshund named Frankie led Barbara to groundbreaking work with children, persons with disabilities, and the elderly. After Frankie’s death, Barbara often felt called to embark on another direction, yet she was reluctant to let go of the purpose and identity she had so closely tied herself to.

Wisdom Found in the Pause is the story of Joie, another paralyzed dachshund, who would serve as Barbara’s teacher, friend, and ultimately angel. Joie’s unexpected death would remind Barbara that the only way to really change our lives is from within. Along the way she received spiritual signposts – some subtle, some profound – that convinced her she was on the right path. Through this journey she realized the most valuable gift we can give ourselves is the time to slow down, hear and heed our inner thoughts, for this is how we will welcome that sweet stillness of being, that wisdom found in the pause.

 Special Edition Gift Package includes:

    • Signed copy of Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s GiftIMG_1879 c
    • Custom designed 160 page lined spiral bound journal with water paw print image —an amazing sign I received from Joie that I was on the right path. It was confirmation for me to keep listening to my inner voice and capture those thoughts in a journal. Let this journal serve as a reminder to you too… to pause, listen and capture your hearts intentions, and your hopes and dreams.
    • Custom designed bookmark which also includes water paw print image.
    • Please note: candle not included.

Pre-order today!  (limited special edition available through Sept. 23rd, 2016 midnight cst)

$30 (includes priority shipping to all US residents only**)

Just click here or on the paw print below to place your order (with PayPal or credit card)







Orders will begin shipping second week in October.

**Due to the skyrocketing costs of shipping overseas I’m sorry I’m not able to offer this special package to international buyers. Stay tuned for my book to be released with online retailers soon!

A Wheelie Dog Gallery of Photos Sure to Make You Smile.

A Wheelie Dog Gallery of Photos Sure to Make You Smile

It’s not too often that I get updates on disabled dogs that the Frankie Wheelchair Fund has been able to help with a wheelchair – but when I do – oh, how it makes my day!

Suzanne, who cares for dear, sweet Canelo sent me these beautiful photos that clearly show that Canelo is having the time of his life!  All the photos were taken by professional photographer, Maria Oakar of My Buddy Photography. What a great job she did in capturing the joy that these special dogs absolutely do experience despite their special challenges.

Soon I hope to share a photo of Dappy and Molly Mocha – two dachshunds the Frankie Wheelchair Fund recently granted funds to have custom wheelchairs built by Eddie’s Wheels, which makes 58 dogs the fund has been able to help to date.  So stay tuned….and in the meantime, enjoy this gallery of Canelo pictures!






If you’d like to help disabled dogs like Canelo experience living life to the fullest who are in need of a wheelchair to do so you can donate here.  Or if you are in need of help, you can fill out an application here.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Dog Barks from the Other Side

Dog Barks from the Other Side
Photo: @Brookburlingphotography

Today marks the 4 year anniversary of my dear dachshund Frankie’s passing. While I never thought my heart would heal from the loss of her, time has, for me, replaced sadness with so many beautiful memories that often bring a smile to my face and a flood of joy to my heart.

And I just have to tell you how amazed I am at how Frankie’s spirit continues to dance around me. It especially seems so this time of year.

It’s as if she is barking from the other side reminding me that we are still connected. And she’s been sending messengers in the form of people reaching out to me talking about her, recalling stories of her, or a time when they met her.
frankie 2

One such case that really moved me deeply was an email I received from Danielle last week. She emailed me once before sharing with me how much my children’s book Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog helped her children to deal with, and understand, their own dachshund Dixie’s paralysis.

Dixie has seen passed away and this time Danielle wrote:

I wanted to contact you, this time to share with you how much my kids (my 5-year-old twins) have been enjoying your “Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Coloring and Activity” book.  They love the paper-dog Frankie!  For them, it was especially important that Frankie was in her cart, so we had to get the cart cut out right away.  🙂   Since they each had a book, they each pretended to be a “Frankie” and talk to the other “Frankie”.  🙂  

My daughter loved putting as much on Frankie as she could possibly fit!  My son loved having Frankie more plain so he could still recognize her. They could not get enough of cutting, trying on, and role playing!  

The whole activity also helped them reconnect with Dixie’s spirit and life and remember her in a fun way since her passing.

Danielle’s five year old twins dressing Frankie paper dog cut out

I can’t even begin to find the right words to tell you how much this means to me! But there I was, sitting at my computer, tears of joy rolling down my face. And a few tears wishing I could hold Frankie… just. one. more. time.

But it was just another reminder that as my mom said to me last weekend that “love never dies.” And she is right. It just takes a different form, but it is always there. Always.

 Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.