
Dodgerslist Now Provides an Educational DVD on IVDD

Dodgerslist is dedicated to helping pet parents whose dogs have been diagnosed with IVDD (intervertebral disc disease).  They were may ray of sunshine and such an amazing amount of help when Frankie was diagnosed with IVDD in 2006.

They have now put together an excellent educational DVD, All about IVDD: care & tips for living with disc disease.  It is broken down into 5 helpful sections:

  • Hope for all
  • Two Treatments
  • Living with IVDD
  • Expressing bladder and bowels
  • Disc Extras

I had the honor or previewing the DVD and I just have to say what a wonderful service Dodgerslist has done to help educate others and give them hope through this DVD.  If you own a dog, even it it is not a dachshund, this DVD is a must to have and review.  IVDD is very common in dachshunds but it can happen in other breeds as well, so best to be prepared and know your options.

The price is so affordable at $3.00 for the DVD.  Buy a copy today for yourself and one for your local veterinarian;s office to help spread the message that IVDD is not a death sentence and that there is hope.

And please help share this message about this wonderful education DVD and that there is hope by sharing with others.

Helping Dachshunds Diagnosed with IVDD


In 2006 when I got the call that Frankie may never walk again due to a ruptured disc, I was devastated.  How little I knew about IVDD (Intervertabral Disc Disease).  Thank goodness for the internet that I found Dodgerslist, a group dedicated to helping others whose pets are diagnosed with IVDD.  They gave me peace of mind but most of all, they gave me hope.

In part, writing my children’s non-fiction books about Frankie was meant to help children overcome their own challenges like Frankie did, but I also wanted to show others that there truly is hope, and a dachshund diagnosed with IVDD can live a long, happy, quality life.

As part of my mission, I decided anyone who wrote to me or called me who was going through an IVDD diagnoses with their pet, that I would do my best to educate them, provide resources, and most of all pass along the hope I had been given by many caring people through Dodgerslist.  There is no greater joy for me than helping another pet parent feel that with a few adjustments, they too, can help their beloved pet.

Today I received a lovely note from a woman, who over a year ago contacted me about her dog Rio and I wanted to share it with you…. because now she knows there too is hope and the hope will continue to spread, as well as the education that despite a disability, animals DO live quality lives. Thank you for the update… this makes my heart sing!

Last year I wrote to you for advice as my little dachshund Rio had hurt his back and was in a dreadful way.  The vet’s were not optimistic and full of woe.  However having found you on the net with Joyful Paws I wrote to you.  I am sure you won’t remember but your words were so comforting and supportiate in that very grey time.  It was a dreadful year and as I sat at my office desk worrying endlessly surrounded by co-workers who had no idea or compassion for Rio words can not express how much help you and your books gave me.

I have been meaning to update you for sometime.  Rio did get a little better and finally after 5 weeks I was able to see him and lean’t to express him and he was able to come home.  He amazed me as he had found a new job to do in the vets while he was there – Nurse Rio tended to all the animals that came in poorly.  He sat under the vets operating table while he worked and shuffled around keeping an eye on all the cages as the cats and dogs sat in them!
Anyway he came home and the hydro therapy began.  Fortunately my partner was able to work from home and took him twice a day as he could not run on the water walker for more than 2 minutes at a time.  Over the weeks he made amazing progress and was able to run on the water walker for 40 minutes.   Although he still drags his back legs a little and has a slight arch in his back he can run and walk again.  His life has returned to the pre-operation fullness, and continues to give us such love and affection it is insane!
I just wanted to give you this news and thank you so so much for your help in those dark days.

There Is Hope Campaign Winner!

Everyone who helped us spread the message about animals with disabilities and helping dogs with IVDD is a winner in our book!!  But the one who won the Frankie prize package valued at $150 by a random drawing is…. drum roll please….

Devri, please contact us at so that we can get your information and mail out your prize package!  We will also make a $50 donation in your honor to Dodgerslist so  that they can continue to bring awareness to dogs diagnosed with IVDD and that there is always hope!