
National Pet Week Ends Today- Stamps to the Resue

Though National Pet Week ends on the calendar today, let’s continue to bring love and kindness to all animals every day of the year.  By doing so, I believe it has the power to bring about peace in the world… and I believe animals already know this and it is why they love without question.

So an easy way you can help shelter animals, if you have not done so already, is to purchase the way cute stamps for sale at your local post office!  You buy the stamps and Halo buys the food for one million shelter animals!


And remember, please help us to continue to share our message, “There is Hope” for all animals with disabilities and doxie’s diagnosed with IVDD.  Please share Dodgerslist website and print out brochure and give to every dachshund owner you know, plus your vet, vet clinics, etc.  There is still many that are uneducated about this disease and still too many doxie’s being put to sleep needlessly.  You can help by sharing this resource with others.  Please visit our previous post to see prize package we are giving away tomorrow, May 9th for your help in sharing our message- don’t forget to leave a comment on the post as today is the the last day to do that before we pick the winner!


National Dog Week-There is Hope Campaign Continues-Hug-A-Dog Vests

We hope you are letting other dachshund owners, vets, and vet clinics know about Dodgerslist to help educate others about Intervetebral Disc Disease (IVDD).  This is a treatable disease and does not mean a death sentence for these dogs.  Please help us educate others so that we can all make a difference and save these dogs lives.

As our "There is Hope" campaign continues we wanted to share with you Hug-a-Dog Vests and the great purposes they serve all dogs, but especially those with IVDD.  So check out our video below.

Be sure to leave a comment that you are helping spread our message and your name will be entered into our drawing for some great prizes.  Drawing will be Sunday, May 9th.  Check out previous post for list of prizes.  $150 value!



Support & Education for Intervertebral Disc Disease

When Frankie was first diagnosed with Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) it was a very difficult time in my life.  I have, and will always be, grateful for finding Dodgerslistwhich is an organization dedicated to helping pet owners understand and live with this disease.  As they adamantly say, and I so agree, IVDD is not a death sentence.

With the proper help and education your pet can live a quality life.  Frankie is just one of many examples of doxies living a full, happy life.

Part of my reason in writing Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll book series was to educate not only children on caring for a pet when something goes seriously wrong, but to also educate the parent/grandparent as they read Frankie’s book to their children.  I was uneducated in IVDD and thought my only option was to put Frankie down– thank goodness I didn’t.  As many of you know, Frankie is one of my biggest blessings- oh, how my life has been enriched because of her.

I think at times people take pity on special needs animals.  But if we take pity we then lose out on all they have to teach us.  Believe me, Frankie takes no pity on herself.  Each time I do a presentation with her I feel this passion rise up in me sharing with children that Frankie is still Frankie- she never changed.  Her mind and spirit are as alive and happy as can be.  The only thing that has changed is that now she has a special tool (her wheelchair) that helps her live the best life she can live.

So with that said, I was perusing Dodgerslist website this morning, of which I encourage you to do.  I came across their database of doxie’s with IVDD and the outcomes.  I found it quite interesting and wanted to pass along. You may at some point encounter someone going through this with their pet. Please let them know about Dodgerslist.  Unfortunately some vets don’t know these animals can be helped and sadly they are put down needlessly.

Total Dachshunds in Database: 1838

Total Dachshunds Walking: 1255
Total Dachshunds Paralyzed: 583

Total Male: 949
Total Female: 889

Of all dogs, 669 have had surgery. Of those, 444 are walking and 225 are paralyzed.

Of all dogs, 1169 used conventional medicine. Of those, 853 are walking and 316 are paralyzed.

Of all dogs, 1644 had problems occurring in the back, and 194 had problems occurring in the neck.

Of all dogs walking, 1079 had problems occurring in the back, and 176 had problems occurring in the neck.

Of all dogs paralyzed, 521 had problems occurring in the back, and 62 had problems occurring in the neck.

Of all dogs, back problems first occurred at 4 years of age and younger for 950 dogs, at 5 to 10 years of age for 798 dogs, and at 11 years of age and older for 48 dogs.

Of all dogs, 1190 have only had one episode, and 648 have had more than one episode to date.

Of all dogs, 189 have known relatives with back problems, but 1312 aren’t sure and could have some unknown relatives.