Not only did I have an angel in Kim who sent me a custom made “rolling dog on a mission” sculpture of Frankie made by Grace Liesa, I received yet another package in the mail this week. This time it contained Joie! This one gifted to me by Joie’s angel who flew on the plane two months ago to bring us together- Linda, volunteer with Oregon Dachshund Rescue. Now how kind and sweet is that? Two very special angels who did something so kind for me. Thank you so so much!
I realized then that Frankie and Joie could be together, side by side. That made me a bit teary eyed as I thought about how great it would have been to have them both at one time. Though I understand life unfolds as it does, and I’m grateful to have had Frankie, and now Joie, their sculpture’s will be together for as long as I can help it.

As a reminder Grace graciously donates 10% of sales of the custom made sculptures to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund and 10% to Dodgerslist. She will also be donating a “rolling dog on a mission” sculpture in 2013 with 100% of the proceeds to go to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund. There are many angels among us and a special thank you once again to Kim, Linda and Grace.
Update 12/22/2012:
I feel so blessed to be a part of such a loving and kind community. Many days my heart just smiles because of the caring and wonderful friends I have because of Frankie and now Joie. After I shared this post above, Kim sent me a message and gave me permission to share with all of you, as I said I felt it was important. I share my response to her as well.
Kim: Please know that so many people that have been touched by you and Frankie and now Joie that and we all wanted you to have the Frankie sculpture. All the folks at Dodger’s List included. Grace asked me if I was going to have it sent to you cause many others contacted her to say if this was not going to you they wanted to order one for you. Grace decided to customize it and that made it even more special. Please know that many many other people wanted to do this for you and would have if they had been the first to click to purchase it. So Frankie’s sculpture is from all of us who have been inspired by you and Frankie and the work you have done. It was our way to say thanks and to honor Frankie’s memory. Your work with Frankie and now the Frankie Fund are the real heros here. Thank you for your kindness and your work.
Barbara: I am very honored by you sharing this with me. Thank you. It has, and will always be an honor for me to share what I know about IVDD and give others hope… just like so many others do, like you, and everyone at Dodgerslist. If it were not for Dodgerslist I would have not had hope when it looked like Frankie would not gain use of her hind legs– I’m forever indebted to them and their hard work. Being an extension in my own way of their work, makes me feel good to do so. There are so many heroes out there… and yes, I agree, Frankie is one of them… but there are many, many more. And I continue to be inspired by those stories and love sharing them.