dog wisdom

Weekly Oracle Reading: Today We are Going to the Dogs for Guidance

It’s almost October! And we are moving into the season of Libra – which is about balance – and what we need to do to have that within us. Again, you’ll have the opportunity to pick cards 1, 2, or 3 as your personal message for the week, and then I read all three cards together as a message for all of us.

Click here to watch or click on the video below.

If you find this reading helpful and/or inspirational and would like to support my work I welcome donations here (Thank you!)

Happy Autumn and enjoy the week!



A Little Helpful Wisdom From Dog

If only one of them would just let go. Looking at these two dogs, each pulling on a side of the flying disk so one can win the prize I see this as in invitation to look at what part of us is trying to win out that we may be ignoring?

We have to give ourselves credit in that most often we do recognize which part of us is trying to get our attention because it continues to come back again and again and again until we acknowledge it.

Sometimes when I see or hear the word resistance my body will tense up. But just now as I looked at the word resistance on the card I saw the word “stance” within it. I’d never realized this before.

Yes! Resistance is an opportunity to take a stance and change that which we may be resisting or fearing.

And instead of seeing resistance as negative, which I’m going to challenge myself to do also, let’s see it as a beacon of light shining the way to take time to just be with whatever it is we may be resisting or are afraid to acknowledge.

As far as winning the flying disk I believe also that both dogs don’t have the word or concept of “win” as part of who they are. They are just enjoying being in the moment of the tug and the pull knowing the outcome, whether they are the one left holding the flying disk or not, will be fine either way. There was something positively gained in both the tug and the pull.

Isn’t it always our projections about what we think an outcome will be when we are in fear that is actually worse than the very thing we were resisting?

A bit to ponder this week…enjoy…Woof!



Cards: Divine Dog Wisdom Cards by Barb Horn and Randy Crutcher

A Year Later. A Love Letter to Gidget.

There won’t be a full oracle reading today, but I did do a short message on my Instagram page if you want to check that out. Today I want to honor the one year passing of my sweet Gidget girl – she indeed was, and still is, one of the most potent oracles for me in her teaching of helping me to “know thyself.”

Dear Gidget,

A year ago – the day before Mother’s Day – I didn’t know how I was going to live my life without you. 

As I sat holding you in my arms knowing I had a very difficult decision to make, I was reminded by our dear friend, Dawn, that this wasn’t about my fear, but rather about what you wanted.

I knew in my heart it was time for you to move on, but how to let go?

While our work together was done here on the physical plane, your teaching of loving all aspects of myself remains. It always will – in honor and respect of you and in honor and respect of the love I now have for myself. Your love and devotion brought me to this new welcome space within me.

It’s been almost a full four seasons that have passed since I last hugged you. As each season has passed it has reminded me of you in some special way.

In the summertime how my heart would overflow with love as I watched you enjoy soaking up the sun lying on the deck and then in the evenings as we’d hang out by the fire in the chiminea with you snug as a bug in your bed between the Adirondack chairs.

As the leaves turned crimson shades of yellow, orange, and red, I reminisced how we’d relish in the change in the wind as I’d take you for a walk in your dog stroller. I loved watching your ears fly in the wind as you’d raise your snout to the new smells in the air.

Wintertime brought memories of the extra snuggle time on the couch or you resting in my or papa’s arms, your tiny front limbs bent in front of you in the most endearing way, snoring so very loudly for a little dog and content as could be.

As the sun moved closer to the earth this spring I was brought back to the sweet images of you and how you loved to hang out in the garden with me. As you’d close your eyes to take in the warmth of the sun I dug in the dirt planting flowers while buds were beginning to burst from the trees.

Now 365 days later I see that my life has gone on even though you are no longer here. But guess what? I still feel you with me. But you already knew that, didn’t you? It is one of my greatest comforts and treasures.

The difference is now the ache on my heart isn’t as crushing as it was – it’s a softness that has settled in – though at times a sharp ache will still shoot through my heart as a reminder that to have loved you means I must also accept the pain of loss. I do little one, I do.

But you know what my heart knows most? That to have loved you means I will never ever lose that feeling and that in essence I never had to let go. The love of you is here now and always will be.

Love you always my sweet girl…

