Staying on the Well Worn Path with Donkey

Okay, so if you’ve been reading my journal for awhile now, you know how much I love donkeys – almost as much as dachshunds.
So today I got one! Finally! .
What do you mean you don’t believe me? Look at her! Isn’t she cute?
What do you mean she does not look real?
Well, okay, truth be told. I confess.
I was at our local Fleet Farm today finishing up last minute Christmas shopping. I headed down an aisle near toyland and there was a whole section of animals that caught my eye!
Giraffes, wolves, goats, chickens, dogs, cats and donkeys (oh my!). “I could finally get a donkey,”I thought. Oh, how I’d love to have one to love.
And yes, she is plastic. But I love her anyways.
I carried her oh, so gently to the checkout, beaming like a young girl, getting my first donkey.
I was in imagination heaven and loving every moment of it.
As I drove home, I found so much joy in this simple act of purchasing this sweet little toy just for me.
“What should I name her I thought?” a few names came to me, but didn’t feel right.
And then there it popped into my head and felt perfect (for whatever silly reason)— Delores! Her name shall be Delores, and I will call her Dee for short.
As you can see, she does not mind the snow at all. She took right to it and is being a very good little donkey.
Ah yes, you see, this is the magic of Christmas Spirit!