
For the Love of Donkeys


For the Love of Donkeys

In my newsletter on Friday I wrote about how donkeys are dancing in my head this holiday season (opposed to sugar plums!). I’m sharing what I wrote below, in case you aren’t a subscriber to my newsletter. If you wish to be, I give away a different book each month, one that I’ve read and enjoyed, if you’d like a chance to enter and win. You can subscribe here.

On Saturday I shopped local at one of my favorite shops in Elkhart Lake – Two Fish Gallery, with fine art and craft and most recently added, Fair Trade. I just needed to finish up a little Christmas shopping.

It never fails when I shop Two Fish that I find something for myself. But one certainly deserves a little Christmas gift for oneself, right? When I spotted this colorful donkey with the perky pink ears, well, I giggled out loud and I just knew she had to go home with me. I was smitten on the spot! She was made in Peru under the Fair Trade Act, which is something I feel good about supporting, along with small local businesses.

And that makes four donkey totems I now have residing in my Zen writing cottage. Donkeys and Dachshunds are starting to really take over this place!  But I’m totally happy with that.

So without further ado — the reason for my donkey excitement of late– read on…

Donkeys Dancing in My Head

I am just busting at the seams in anticipation of a dream that is coming true!

How long I’ve had this dream?  Well, quite honestly, it feels like forever.

I thought it would never come true. But yet, I held onto hope that somehow, someway it could happen.

That’s the thing with dreams. You may envision it one way, but being open to unexpected ways in which it can come true, just might prove to be better.

I believe my dream originally began when I first started reading some of Jon Katz’s books about life on Bedlam Farm of which he had a donkey named Carol.

He then acquired Lulu and Fanny. Several years later he would rescue Simon, a donkey that could barley walk, and when he did, was in much pain due to the cramped conditions he lived in.

For a time being, I was also friends with a woman who had four miniature donkeys. Many groups of special needs adults and children visited the donkeys. I was able to witness the magical and heart warming connection one sunny afternoon, writing a story about it for our local paper.

My love of donkeys has just continued to expand. Whenever I get a chance to see one, I have to contain myself because I just want to squeal out loud. Well, truth be told, I usually do squeal!

As much as I’d love to have donkeys of my own, it just isn’t feasible. We’d have to have the land to do so and of course, there is the cost.

But I never gave up hope.

I’ve known Rachel (who I’m teaching an upcoming workshop with) for a quite a few years. 

Two years ago she established LaValley Sanctuary, which takes in geriatric and special needs equine. The location of her sanctuary? Only five minutes from my home!

While Rachel currently has four horses, she also wants to bring donkeys to the sanctuary. The challenge?  Funds to build the shelter they require.

But along came someone who wanted to help financially and offered the funds for the lean-to to be built. Thank you, special lady for supporting this dream!

Now it’s just a matter of time. Rachel’s significant other, Jeremy, is a carpenter who has provided the skill and labor for the sanctuary’s current buildings.

So this spring, the lean-to will be built for the donkeys!  And the fences will be put up. And guess who has already been solicited to help?  How did you guess?!

It’s true!  I’m going to be a ranch hand and help with installing the fencing for the donkeys before they arrive.

Dreaming of donkeys all these years and wishing to be involved with them in some shape or form is finally coming true.

Perhaps not in a way I could have ever guessed, but it sure does feel right.

So you never know how a dream can come true! And so this holiday season instead of sugar plums dancing in my head, well, yes… yes, indeed…donkeys are dancing (and prancing) in my head!

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The “Seaside Donkey” Film. I Couldn’t Stop Smiling. A Donklightful Review!

The “Seaside Donkey” Film. I Couldn’t Stop Smiling. A Donklightful Review!

The tagline? 1000 miles around Wales, with a donkey. Indeed, that is the succinct description of what the film is about.


Last night, I snuggled Miss Gidget on my lap, downloaded the film, Seaside Donkey onto my ipad, and was immediately hooked from the start.

It is a one hour and seventeen minute donkumentary (as it is creatively described!) by filmmaker Rhys Thwaites-Jones, and it captivated me.


Though, truly no surprise to those who know me and that I simply adore donkeys! Just as much as dachshunds I must confess. And interestingly they are both similar in many ways!  Stubborn, willful, affectionate, and wise creatures they are.


Hannah Engelkamp set out on a quest to travel around Wales, along the seaside, on foot, with an ass (err, donkey!) named Chico beside her as her companion. She conjured up in her mind this romantic and meditative journey.

The thing is, Hannah never had an animal in her life. She had no idea what she was about to experience in the human-animal bond phenomenon. And this is exactly why the film had me laughing out loud often, smiling just about the whole way through, and my heart melting and eyes misting over with tears and what Chico was teaching her.

Donkeys don’t like water and don’t care to climb hills. And there would be plenty of that on their jaunt around Wales which had me laughing, but also feeling very much the frustration Hannah was experiencing.

But also intriguing as it was a reminder that we are not in control. A reminder to live in the present moment and take it as it is. Donkey wisdom, don’t you know, is so wise!

The film shows how simple life can be and the immense joy we can find in that, which left me wanting even more simplicity in my own. It also taught Hannah, strong-willed herself, that asking for help isn’t a bad thing. There were times it was the only way — and the gifts she received in letting go were unexpected and delightful rewards.

This film and it’s book version (which I’ll be reading next and can hardly wait!), is one I took part in donating to via a Kickstarter campaign.

I greatly admire Ms. Englekamp for her kick-ass (ass pun intended!) attitude and adventurous spirit. It was an honor to support this endearing, full of laughter, and wisdom at every turn story.

If you love donkeys, admire those who follow their hearts calling, and live from the inside, out… well, do yourself a favor and check this film and book out today at Seaside Donkey website. It was truly donklightful!

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The Secret Surprise


Chico the donkey

Mix in a little of my friend, Marie, a ride through the country, a day of sleet, snow, rain, sun and clouds and you end up finding yourself at a secret surprise location.

My dear friend, Marie was quite excited to take me on a little adventure on Tuesday. She picked me up mid-morning and we headed east for quite a ways. At one point I thought we just might end up in Lake Michigan if we drove any further!

But alas, about 20 minutes later we arrived at Whispering Orchards. I’d been here before, but it was only my 2nd or 3rd time. It is a delightful little apple orchard with a quaint, down home country feel cafe that looks out over the orchard.

Little did Miss Marie know that I knew they have donkeys (and chickens and goats and llamas). As she pulled into the entrance I squealed as loud as a donkey (or would that be bray?).  I could hardly wait to get out of the car and ran to the donkeys like I was a 5 year old girl.

I must digress for a moment and tell you that Miss Marie and Miss Gidget are pen pals and often exchange emails back and forth. Miss Marie writes to Miss Gidget way more often than me!

But I must share what she wrote to Gidget the day after we went to Whispering Orchards (with her permission of course).

Dear Miss Gidget,

Let me tell you. We pulled into the parking lot of my “secret surprise” place and mom leaped out of the car and said “are the donkey’s still here!?” I have never seen anyone, ever, get so excited about donkeys! She could  hardy contain herself.

Needless to say, it took awhile before we actually entered the cafe for our breakfast.

It was, Miss Gidget, so wonderful to see her jumping up and down……so happy!

There is another story about Miss Marie…..regarding a rooster. I will let mom tell you THAT one. 

Much love,

Miss Marie

Miss Marie is telling it straight. I could hardly contain myself as I cooed at the donkeys, which I would come to learn are named Chico and Pedro. Though Pedro would only show his back end to me, Chico was all for the exuberant attention I gave him.

I rubbed his ears, looked into his big brown eyes, kissed his nose and then his sweet, soft lips. Yes, yes indeed – I kissed a donkey! I just couldn’t help myself. And I’d do it again in a heart beat.

And now let me tell you about the rooster story.  I had to have Miss Gidget cover her precious little ears as I relayed the story later that afternoon to John. But you see….


as we walked out of the restaurant our bellies full with all farm fresh ingredients of eggs, apple dumplings, bacon and toast, Miss Marie found herself not remembering how to tell the difference between a rooster and a chicken.

Just as she voiced this question out loud to me one of the roosters decided to make it quite obvious that he indeed was Rooster with a capital R as he well, um, well… well you know… did what roosters do!….He mounted a chicken.

I almost peed in my pants laughing at the uncanny timing. No doubt in Miss Marie’s mind was there now of who indeed was and is the Rooster. No doubt what-so-ever as we hopped into her car and laughed all the way home.

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