A Sense of Belonging

This is the last photo I took of Kylie. It was five days before we had to say goodbye to her on the day after Thanksgiving.
I woke yesterday with a very heavy energy though I wasn’t sure why. I dismissed it as perhaps it was due to the weather which was very gray, with low heavy clouds and rain expected along with a possible thunderstorm in the evening.
I had an errand I planned on running in the afternoon. But after trying to get some work done which included prepping for the Animals as Oracles teleseminar this Thursday, nothing was coming together. There was no sense trying to push through as nothing was coming together.
I tried to put my trust in that tomorrow (today) would be better and I just had to allow the next 24-hours to be what they were supposed to be.
I decided to take a break and run my errand sooner, rather than later. Getting back in my car after the errand I noticed there was a message on my phone. It was from the vet clinic letting me know Kylie’s cremains were in. I was only two minutes from the clinic.
My heart thumped in my chest and I took a deep breath. Gidget was in the car with me. I looked at her and softly said, “Let’s go get Kylie and bring her home.”
After I signed the paper that released Kylie’s cremains to me, I picked up the box and walked out the front door to my car. I could feel the tears close to the edge as my lip started to quiver. I wanted more than anything to bring her home in physical form instead of what now remained.
As I drove home, I let the tears come and once home I cried just as hard as the day we said goodbye to her in the vet’s exam room. Crying is healing, so I let it all come out.
I tried to push myself once again and get some work done. But it wouldn’t come. And as it turned out, it wasn’t meant to be as I had some family issues that needed to be addressed also and I needed to take care of that instead.
As I can often do, though I’m much better these days, I did start to go down that rabbit hole of beating myself up that I’d not gotten much done that day. I worried that I wouldn’t be ready for the teleseminar on Thursday and then began to also worry about impending projects coming up soon, too.
But then I stopped. And I reflected on what I’ve learned from Kylie – to trust and go with the flow – and to trust that all would work out as planned.
That evening after taking an Epsom and Himalyan Salt bath, I sat on my over-sized red chair in the living room, the lights on the Christmas tree twinkling in the corner, and between finishing a book about a Christmas story, and watching a storm roll through, I could literally feel the heavy energy leave my body.
Before I closed my eyes last night I silently said, “Tomorrow is going to be a better and more productive day.” And you know what? It indeed has been and I’m so grateful for how it all flowed today. And I’m so excited about talking with Dr. Cara Gubbins and sharing stories about how animals serve as oracles in our lives.
And this is the thing. When we trust in the flow of life and try not to force it, things to seem to always have a way of working out.
And I have Kylie to thank for being a beautiful oracle for me, not only while here on earth, but in Spirit.
There is still time to register for this free teleseminar this Thursday, December 7th at 11am pst/ Noon est/1 pm cst. If you can’t make it live, if you register, a replay will be sent.
Hope to “see” you on the call!
Much love and gratitude,
I’m honored and excited to share with you that Dr. Cara Gubbins of Animal Wisdom Circle will be interviewing me about animals as oracles and how animals often serve as self-reflections to what we need to learn, how they assist us in our personal growth, and how their wisdom can help us to transform and live a more meaningful life.
There will be time for Q & A and I’ll also be giving listeners a chance to win 1 of 3 personal 30-minute oracle readings I’ll be giving away.
Come join us! Register here today to receive link and call in information. We are looking so forward to connecting with you on Thursday.
If you aren’t able to attend live, no worries, as we will send out a replay. But of course, we’d love to have you on the call with us as it will make it that much more fun and magical!
Hope to “see” you on the call and feel free to share this with friends you think may enjoy, too!
Much love and gratitude,