dying to be me

Dying to Be Me

Dying to Be Me, My Journey From Cancer, To Near Death, to True Healing by Anita Moorjani

I just started reading this book last night. I tried desperately to stay awake to finish it, because it is quite the page turner. I’m also anxious to learn about her true healing process… which is why I so wanted to stay awake!

The book is quite profound in that she shares why she believes she really got cancer. I think the answer will surprise many, but hopefully be an awakening for many. I won’t spill the beans, as I’d rather you read it for yourself.

I found moments of tears reading her struggles with feeling like a failure- a big core part of her life for different reasons. It’s what I’m writing about in my new book also, Through Frankie’s Eyes: One Woman’s Journey to Authentic Self and the Dog on Wheels Who Led the Way.

I’ll write more about the book and my thoughts once I am finished, which no doubt will be soon!  But if you can’t wait to learn more about the book, you just may want to go out and buy it for yourself.  Also, be sure to check out Anita’s website.