elkhart lake

The Shadows of Fall: A Sneak Peek

The Shadows of Fall: A Sneak Peek
The always beautiful Elkhart Lake

I almost didn’t get out for a walk this morning even though I was up earlier than usual.

Only in the low 50s and a strong west wind had me questioning whether or not I wanted to venture out.

But I thought about how many winter days are ahead and walking won’t be an option on those bone chilling days that always seem to find us here in Wisconsin.

I bundled Gidget up in her fleece coat, tucked her in her stroller and walked very briskly down our road with my hands tucked up inside my sweathshirt sleeves.

If I wasn’t awake before I left, I was now with the cool wind blowing my hair every which way.

This time of year the light is beginning to change, too. Where there was more light during summer days, it is now dark longer until the sun rises higher in the sky. I shivered.

It’s a little over a mile before I reach Elkhart Lake. But oh, when I do, rain, snow, sun, or clouds, the view never disappoints.

And made me glad I ventured out today.

I heard voices as I stopped to take a picture. Two brave swimmers in their thick rubber gear heading into the lake for, no doubt, a more challenging swim having to go against the current swimming into the wind.

The sun glistening off the deep blue water warmed my insides and reminded me of all the exquisite beauty that is here for me whenever I choose to see it.

How fortunate I am to have this stunning view to visit.

I’m glad I chose to see it today as the shadows of me and Gidget loomed large as if reaching for the water.

Drinking it all in, I felt lighter in my step and warmer in Spirit as I made my way home once again.

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Come Join Me. A Walking Tour Around My Little Town (via Instagram)

A walking tour around my little town, #elkhartlake. Come join me!
Railroad tracks down to the town square

I know there are many who love summer. I do, too. But it’s  that time of year, when the mornings are cooler and days reach the mid-70s that I feel most alive.

As we inch our way toward my favorite season, fall, I’m full up with inspiration. It’s also my favorite time of the year to walk around our little town of 950 which is also a popular tourist destination.

From my home on the north end of the village, downtown I walk, with Gidget in her stroller, past shops and restaurants (we have some of the best restaurants around!), three large resorts, and many homes with lovely front porches or something that catches my fancy and makes me smile.

For the longest time I’ve wanted to capture the sweet and inspiring spots I see along my route and share them.

Well, today is the day I begin! I invite you to follow along as I post photos of my little town to my Instagram feed from now through fall.

I hope you will come along on the walk with me and enjoy Elkhart Lake through my eyes.

Thank you for visiting!

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I Don’t Want the Indian to Cry

I Don't Want the Indian to Cry.
Cloud formation to the south while sitting on my deck last night.

A few weeks ago as I was heading to Madison with Gidget, flying down the highway, a man in front of me in my lane opened his car door and tossed out his garbage.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I said out loud, “Did he really just do that?”  It felt so violating.

Lately with the nicer weather I’ve been getting out on more walks. Gidget comes along with me in her dog stroller.

Our serene little town of 950 explodes in the summer months due to people visiting their lake cottages, as well as the fact we are a popular tourist destination.

Along with this, seems to come more litter. I found myself complaining in my head, upset that people can just throw stuff on the lawns and streets without thought. I love our quaint, adorable village and it upsets me that others don’t respect it, too.

But then I realized today I could do something about it. Something quite simple, really.

Now when I walk, I walk with a new purpose. I pick up any garbage I see along the way. Gidget’s stroller has a nice sized pocket underneath, so it’s a great place to collect what I pick up.

And then I thought about the Indian. Remember him from the commercial in the 70s encouraging us to Keep America Beautiful?

I don’t want him to cry again– though I know well enough that large cities have their mountains of garbage lining the streets, which always makes me sad to see.

But in my own small way I can make a difference right here in my little town. So no more complaining will I do, but instead will shut up and pick up!