I am going on a book tour together for Yvonne Perry’s new book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You. It’s not a typical book tour that drives all over town from one bookstore to another signing copies of the book. Instead, it is an online blog tour and you are cordially invited to come along with me as I drop by more than twenty blogs dealing with empathy fatigue, emotional burnout, and intuition as well as information about how she wrote and published the book.
Visitors get to read something new each day as they follow the book tour from blog to blog: audio clips, video clips, written interviews, links to radio interviews, book excerpts, media releases, and content-rich articles.
Topics include the following:
- Authors Must Learn to Sell What They Write
- Clearing Your Energy Field
- Detaching Politely Before You Reach Your Limit
- Empathic Babies, Children, and Teens
- How I Published My Book on Empathy Fatigue
- Identifying Your Own Energy
- Setting Boundaries with People
- Stories from an Empath
- Why I Wrote a Book for Empaths
- 5 Steps for Developing Your Intuition
- Characteristics of an Untrained Empath
- Difference Between Empathy and Intuition, The
- Excerpts from the book
- Gift of Intuition Reveals a Sisters Secret, The
- Influence Ghosts Have Upon Human Emotions, The
- Make the Voices Stop!
- Psychology of Empathy, The
- Q&A Interview with the Author
- Temper Tantrums ~ An Opportunity to Teach Your Child How to Process Emotions
- Theres a Ghost in Our House. Can We Keep Him?
- Understanding Empathy
- What Is an Empath?
- When Fear Turns into an Anxiety Problem
- Why I Chose to Self-publish My Book About Empathic Overload
Here is the tour schedule:
Join the pre-tour warm-up on Wednesday, February 23 as Dr. Caron Goode and Yvonne Perry chat with @LynnSerafinn on Garden of the Soul Radio at 6 p.m. UK Time, 1 p.m. Eastern Time.
Another running start for the tour is on Saturday, February 26 Joyce Shafer will share an article in her State of Appreciation Newsletter: http://stateofappreciation.webs.com// Follow @JoyceShafer.
Monday, February 28 – The Shift Guru Barbara Joye will host an article by Yvonne titled “5 Steps for Developing your Intuition” http://shiftguru.wordpress.com/. Follow @TheShiftGuru.
Tuesday, March 1 – Joanne Sprott (@muselady11) will host Yvonne on Beyond Words Radio Show at Believe in the Moment radio http://www.believeinthemoment.com/bitm-radio.html.
Wednesday, March 2 – Carol Denbow (@author101) will share an article titled Why Yvonne wrote the book on her blog, A Book Inside http://abookinside.blogspot.com/.
Thursday, March 3– @positivepresent Dani will post an article: “Psychology of Empathy” on her blog, Positively Present http://www.positivelypresent.com/.
Friday, March 4 – Irene Conlan @ieconlan has an article: “Setting Boundaries with People” to share on The Self Improvement Blog.
Saturday, March 5 – Shelagh Jones @SpiritusShelagh will be hosting an audio interview with Yvonne for her Spiritus blog.
Sunday, March 6 – Penny Ehrenkranz @pennyehrenkranz Article: “How Yvonne Published the Book” on One Writer’s Journey http://pennylockwoodehrenkranz.blogspot.com/
Monday, March 7 – Doreen Pendgracs @wizardofwords will be sharing an article from Yvonne titled: “Why I Chose to Self-publish My Book About Empathic Overload.” See http://doreenisthewizardofwords.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, March 8 – Nickolove Lovemore @nickolove Skyline Coaching Blog http://www.skylinecoachingblog.com/ has a video clip, an excerpt from the book, an article Clearing Your Energy Field, and a book review.
Wednesday, March 9 – Callie Carling @moonpoppy shares a video, book review, and article on her blog, Empowered Healer http://www.empoweredhealer.co.uk/
Thursday, March 10 – Irene Conlan (@ieconlan) hosts Yvonne on The Self Improvement Radio Show.
Friday, March 11 – Dr. Caron Goode @parent_coach shares an interview with Yvonne and a video about the gift of empathy on the Academy for Coaching Parents International http://academyforcoachingparents.com/blog/
Saturday, March 12 – Dr. Caron Goode will be joining Shelagh Jones @SpiritusShelagh for an audio interview about the psychology of empathy. See Spiritus blog.
Monday, March 14 – Soulmate Coach Crystal @soulmatecoachc shares an article about detaching politely http://www.soulmatecoachcrystal.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, March 15 – Lisa Jackson @lisajjackson shares her question & answer interview on Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews http://lisahaseltonsreviewsandinterviews.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, March 16 – Pat Bertram @PatBertram has an article, Stories from an Empath, on Dragon My Feet: http://dragonmyfeet.wordpress.com/
Thursday, March 17 has two stops: Elizabeth Bennett @PeerAbuse will post an article: Empathy in Children and Teens on http://www.peerabuse.blogspot.com/ AND Barbara Techel @joyfulpaws shares a YouTube video on Joyful Paws http://www.joyfulpaws.typepad.com/
Friday, March 18 – Barbara Joye (@TheShiftGuru) will share her interview with Yvonne on her Creative Cafe Radio Show: www.blogtalkradio.com/shiftguru.
Monday, March 21 – Reno Lovison Marketing Communications Services presents an article Authors Must Learn to Sell What They Write on his Business Card to Business Blog: http://businesscardtobusiness.com/blog. Follow @renoweb
Tuesday, March 22 – Anne Lyken-Garner @esther96 has a media release on http://www.abloggersbooks.com/
Wednesday, March 23 – Dr. Caron Goode @parent_coach presents a book excerpt and press release on her blog, Kids Who See Ghosts http://kidswhoseeghosts.com/blog/.
Thursday, March 24 – Faith Ranoli interviews Yvonne on @positiveradio Heart and Home Radio Show http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveHH.htm
Friday, March 25 – Vonnie Faroqui @inkslngrswhmz has an article on Ink Slinger’s Whimsey blog http://inkslingerswhimsey.blogspot.com/
Monday, March 28 – Dr. Caron Goode @parent_coach shares a book excerpt on Raising Intuitive Children blog http://raisingintuitivechildren.com/blog/.