
Nature Telling Time.

Nature Telling Time.

I heard the ticking of nature’s clock.

Out on my morning walk today.

The fluttering sound in the wind of many wings flapping.

The chattering of many beaks as they lifted, each black bird, from nearby trees in a wooded area.

And also from a corn field I passed by, I saw them take flight, up to the clouds, joining their flock.

The sky streaked with black that seemed to go on forever.

Who needs a clock when all you have to do is pay attention to nature around you?

A sign that fall is surely on its way as these black-winged birds head to a warmer climate.

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The Shadows of Fall: A Sneak Peek

The Shadows of Fall: A Sneak Peek
The always beautiful Elkhart Lake

I almost didn’t get out for a walk this morning even though I was up earlier than usual.

Only in the low 50s and a strong west wind had me questioning whether or not I wanted to venture out.

But I thought about how many winter days are ahead and walking won’t be an option on those bone chilling days that always seem to find us here in Wisconsin.

I bundled Gidget up in her fleece coat, tucked her in her stroller and walked very briskly down our road with my hands tucked up inside my sweathshirt sleeves.

If I wasn’t awake before I left, I was now with the cool wind blowing my hair every which way.

This time of year the light is beginning to change, too. Where there was more light during summer days, it is now dark longer until the sun rises higher in the sky. I shivered.

It’s a little over a mile before I reach Elkhart Lake. But oh, when I do, rain, snow, sun, or clouds, the view never disappoints.

And made me glad I ventured out today.

I heard voices as I stopped to take a picture. Two brave swimmers in their thick rubber gear heading into the lake for, no doubt, a more challenging swim having to go against the current swimming into the wind.

The sun glistening off the deep blue water warmed my insides and reminded me of all the exquisite beauty that is here for me whenever I choose to see it.

How fortunate I am to have this stunning view to visit.

I’m glad I chose to see it today as the shadows of me and Gidget loomed large as if reaching for the water.

Drinking it all in, I felt lighter in my step and warmer in Spirit as I made my way home once again.

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Worrying About Things I Can’t Control

My ottoman just the way I like it.  Books, magazines, pen and notebook and a good cup of tea… and me curled up in a blanket on the sofa savoring it all.

 Our little cottage is booked for October for our vacation to Vermont.  The anticipation is building each day. This is the trip we wanted to take for our 25th wedding anniversary.  Well, it is now three years later and we are finally making the trip. Life happens.

I ordered a book from Amazon and one from my local library about Vermont.  That is half the fun, I think, reading about where you are going before you get there.  One of the reasons I’ve so badly wanted to visit Vermont is because of the spectacular show of fall that they are known for.  Besides, it is also known to be a state with many artists and writers. That’s right up my alley.

Fall is my favorite season. The colors nature displays always gives me a feeling like no other- the whole earth just seems to dance and come alive.  Some of our trees here in Wisconsin have begun to turn, which is about a month early. It has had me fretting wondering what is happening in Vermont.  On Rolling Dog Ranch blog two days ago I felt a wave of worry as Steve showed a photo of some of their trees already turning, too.  They are located in New Hampshire.  My heart sank.  I don’t want to miss the colors, I thought.

I was in a stupor about this since then.  But today I decided no sense in worrying about something I can’t control. It is going to be beautiful no matter what.  We are going to have a fantastic vacation no matter what.  I have control in my attitude and how I approach this and I’m going to be joyful, no matter what.

Something else I discovered about Vermont is that it was the home of children’s author/illustrator Tasha Tudor.  She passed way in 2008 at the age of 92. For the life of me I don’t know why I never heard of her.  I just recently discovered her in a 2008 Victoria magazine I was reading that a friend loaned me.  Now you can’t tell me this wasn’t meant to be. I learned of her and her eccentric lifestyle just this past Friday and have been ordering all I can from the library to learn about her.  I’m utterly fascinated by her.  And the coolest part?  There is a museum only one hour away from where we are staying in Vermont dedicated to her.

So while I can’t control Mother Nature and when the colors will turn, I am taking great delight in learning about Tasha and can hardly wait to visit the museum.  It is the unexpected surprises that make life fun to embrace. I’m choosing to do just that as I continue to explore and learn more before we head to Vermont.  How fun life can be when we don’t try to control it, right?