My artistic and lovely friend, Miss Marie, who lives in the big two-story white house on the corner, one block down from the post office in our quaint town of 947, shared some exciting news with me today.
I like to think I had a little to do with this as I bugged her gently on and off about this for awhile now. But over tea for me and coffee for her, she told me she finally has an Etsy shop. I’m so excited for her!
And I’m excited for so many others who can now buy her beautiful handmade one-of-a-kind pillows, handbags and purses. She has just a few things up in her store right now at Marie Monica Designs. But I’m sure she will be adding to it as she can. And I was lucky because I got to see her new style of handbags this morning which are very, very fun!
You might recall that last year I shared a photo of my gorgeous dragonfly pillow that I just had to have. It resides in honor on my peach wicker chair in my writing cottage where Gidget often keeps it company like she is today.
If Gigets looks a bit tired here it’s because when I got home from tea with Marie I found the rug in the kitchen chewed up with a long fiber thread trailing it. I’m not sure what all went on when I was gone, which isn’t like her or Kylie. I don’t know if they were in this together or what in the world happened.
I’m praying like all heck though that none of the chewed up rug fiber ended up in her belly! Please say a little prayer. I’d hate to have a repeat of this as this very similar thing happened to Frankie ten years ago. She ended up having to have emergency surgery… and just in the nick of time.
Holding my breath here this won’t be the case for Gidget, while also trying not to worry as that does not help anything. No sense worrying unless there is truly something to worry about, right? At least I know the signs to watch for.
But I digress… back to Marie’s exquisite, whimsical, finely sewn works for art…
This is a new design on Marie’s Etsy site of a bee hive pillow. What I especially love is that all her piece’s are one of a kind, so you won’t see it anywhere else and it means it’s the only one like it she will make.
It’s always such a treat to spend time with Miss Marie. To be surrounded by all her art, petting her dog Indy, and catching up on what’s new for each of us always leaves me inspired…and grateful to call her friend.
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