frankie the walk n roll dog

A Day of Joy & Unexpected Surprises at RCS. Great Way to (almost) Close Out 2013.

2013-12-31 08.56.06 e“Frankie’s” made my clients at RCS

On and off for quite some time we’ve been trying to make it happen that I would visit RCS. They are a private nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower individuals with disabilities and special needs so that they may work, live and function with dignity and respect. Originally, we had a time set up for me to visit with Frankie in July 2012. But then Frankie passed away June 21, 2012.

As they put their holiday programming together earlier this year, and with the help of my friend, Mary who works there, we finally set a date for Dec. 30th. We agreed I would read one or two of my Frankie children’s book to the clients. I had also sent them leftover posters and magnet sets I had of Joie after she passed away. I felt they would inspire their clients. We decided with my visit for the holiday programming it would be extra special if we handed them out then.

As it would also turn out, as many of you know, I also adopted Gidget mid-November. I didn’t promise anything because I wanted to be sure Gidget would be up for the visit. But I said if I felt she was, I’d bring her along to meet the clients.

2013-12-30 11.01.26 eShe was such a good little dog. I held her in my Take-a-Long bag as I read Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dot to the clients. I also brought Frankie and Joie’s wheelchair along so everyone could see what a dog wheelchair looks like and how it works. I then shared with them Gidget’s story.

After we were done with that, Gidget “helped” me sign posters and magnet sets as each client came up and chose which they would like. They also got to take a moment to pat Gidget on the head.  The whole time she was calm and relaxed.

My heart and world is always in awe and opens even more when I experience the lives of those living more challenged lives than most of us. To see the staff in action nurturing and taking care of those with special needs is something I define as grace. It takes very special hearts to do this line of work. It truly is with deep gratitude that I am thankful for what they do.

My heart was full of joy as everyone made their way to the tables set up for lunch. It was also then that two unexpected surprises came my way.

Mary asked if I had a few moments because they had some gifts for me. As I sat with Gidget in my lap, Mary presented me with a large bag. Inside was a big fleece blanket with a dachshund pattern on it. Mary and another co-worker, Emily, made it for me. I just love it!  As you can see in the photo below, Gidget made herself right at home on it when we got home later that morning.  She could barely keep her little eyes open from all the excitement of the morning.

IMG_1943 eAfter opening the blanket, Laura, the art therapist, who also brings her therapy dog, Shayla to RCS, said she had a gift for me, too.

She reached inside the bag and slowly pulled out items that were bubble wrapped. One by one she presented me with sketches she drew of Gidget, Joie, and Frankie.

2013-12-30 11.38.17 eI was moved to tears as Mary said, “Now you have all three of your girls together.”  No words can truly describe what this gift means to me from one dog lover to another. Laura also knows the depth of working with our beloved dogs as therapy dogs, and the impact that has forever on our hearts.

Laura’s work is simply amazing. She really captured the spirit of each of my girls. A gift I will treasure always.

2013-12-31 09.25.31 eAs I drove home yesterday I was reminded of the magic when we live from the center of our hearts. About giving without expecting anything in return,and giving for the pure joy of wanting to. 

My time at RCS is also a reminder to me of all the good I have in what I define as my simple and meaningful life. I’m grateful for quiet moments reading or writing, time talking with John in front of our woodstove during the winter, or in front of our chiminea on the deck in summer. Walks with Kylie and Gidget, as well as plenty of snuggle time…. and the list of my simple pleasures goes on and on.

2013-12-30 11.38.49 eMary, me and Laura

But I leave you this last day of 2013 with the one thing I wish for everyone… and that is to sit in the silence of your heart and listen to what it is you really want. Then begin today to take steps, whether large or small, to live from that desire of your hearts whispers.

**I invite you to learn more about Laura Griffin’s art work on her website at Griffin Animals Graffics.**

Special Announcement: Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Children’s Book Series Now on Kindle

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IMPORTANT:  If you subscribe to my blog via Google Reader, Google is shutting it down as of July 1.  Here is how you can subscribe via another reader.

I’m so excited to share with you this special announcement that my award-winning non-fiction, inspirational children’s books about the life of Frankie, and her volunteer therapy dog work at Libby’s House, a Alzheimer’s facility, are now available on Kindle! During Frankie’s lifetime she inspired thousands of children to be positive and make a difference no matter what their challenges in life.  She continues to inspire generations today and generations to come.

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog

A true, inspirational story about a dachshund whose life started out just like any other dog walking on all four paws until a spinal injury leaves her paralyzed. Frankie is custom-fitted for a wheelchair and learns to keep on rolling. Her zest for life will have you cheering and she will give you hope that all things are possible. Frankie will leave an everlasting and loving paw print on your heart. A book for all ages to teach overcoming challenges and also compassion for the physically challenged.  See reviews here or order your Kindle copy today here!

Awarded: National Best Book 2008 from USA Book News, Merial Human-Animal Bond Award from Dog Writer’s of American Association, Editor’s Choice award from Allbooks Review, and Indie Excellence Awards Finalist

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog keeps rolling along in her doggie wheelchair. This paralyzed dachshund’s unabashed healing, exuberant spirit, and spunky personality is a blessed gift to everyone she befriends. In this true, inspirational story, Frankie tells how she became a registered therapy dog and shares her visits to Libby’s House, a senior facility where many residents have Alzheimer’s or dementia. Frankie teaches us that patience, listening, and understanding opens our hearts to what matters most—love. See reviews here or order your Kindle copy today here!

Awarded: Indie Excellence Award, Midwest Book Award finalist

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Inducted into the Wisconsin Pet Hall of Fame as Companion Dog

***A portion of all proceeds from Barbara’s books, paperback or electronic go to the Frankie Wheelchair Fund which helps dogs with mobility challenges who need a wheelchair.***

Reflecting on a Year Since Frankie Died- A Celebration of her Life

frankie photo from kristiI never really said goodbye.

No goodbye because I continue to feel the love of Frankie in my heart.

No goodbye because I made the conscious choice before she died to deeply inhale the smell of her, embrace the feel of her warm, soft body, and sit with the memories of the joy and love she gave me.

No goodbye because I want every June 21st to be a celebration of Frankie’s life and all those she touched.

I honestly don’t know if I believe in the rainbow bridge. That is hard for me to share, as I realize many do. It’s not my intent to dishonor what is right for others. I understand it’s a way for many in dealing with, and moving through, their own loss. I respect that.

I believe Frankie and I are still together–she is just in a place I can’t see. But I trust she is where she needs to be–wherever that is. So I’m not sure she is waiting on the other side of a bridge.

I’m also not sure if she is really some “place”, but rather it feels as if she is  this illumination of divine light and love that makes my heart smile when I think of her. The love and light seems to come and go at just the right time when I need it.

To me, she is just here in a different way. A lighter way. A deeper way, and in many ways, a more meaningful way.

Reflecting on other pets I’ve lost, they were all hard. But Frankie’s passing was the most difficult to date I’ve experienced.

The beauty of it though?

How I’ve grown deeper in my spirituality once again, and in my own way of dealing with a profound loss.

I allowed the grief to swallow me at times. I swam in it, and almost felt as if I’d drown, feeling deeply every inch of the pain of losing her. I didn’t try to run from how bad my heart hurt. At times, it was so intense I honestly didn’t think I’d move through it. But I called upon my faith more than any other time that I can recall. I reminded myself to believe I’d find my way back to happy again.

I did. This, to me, is honoring the ultimate blessing that Frankie truly was to me– to many.

When I now feel joy, I feel it even more magnified for having moved through something I thought would crush my heart into tiny pieces.

I see now that my purpose grew even more defined. Caring for a dog that would become paralyzed was not a choice I would have made for my life. But then wanting to someday love another little one with special needs was something my soul yearned for as I moved through the years with Frankie.

The gift of Frankie, who opened my eyes to something I may never have otherwise seen.

I feel in a good place these days with Frankie at peace in a place that makes her happy. It’s no longer about her helping me, but a place that she can simply be. A place in my heart that rests easy in knowing we will always be connected in our own, unique way. A knowing that I can go on, and I am going on. That I will love again, and am loving again.

It took work for me to get here. Real work of accepting my process. Real work of allowing sadness to seep into every inch of my being. Real work of trusting I’d find joy again… even though Frankie’s physical presence is no longer here to remind me of how far I’ve come.

Reflecting back, I’d do every bit of life with Frankie all over again knowing my heart would shatter like nothing I’ve felt before.

And now… being fully present to this moment, here and now, I give my deepest gratitude for the love of Frankie who brought me to this time of now loving and caring for little Joie.

No goodbyes… only a journey that continues in just the way it is meant to be.

I. am. Blessed.

**The Life and Legacy of Frankie lives on with National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day.  Join us on Facebook to continue to spread the positive message that dogs in wheelchair live quality lives if given a chance.