frog ally

Frog on the Window Brings Welcome Reminder Message

This morning when I woke I rolled over in bed and something on the window caught my eye. Upon closer inspection, I saw this teeny frog who was suction-cupped to the outside of the window.

Just the night before I attended an online class about the sacred agreements we hold with our pets and also with the animals in nature, so it was still at the forefront of my mind the reminder that animals in their own unique way are here supporting us.

I stopped to give thought to what had been on my mind when I awoke just a few moments earlier. Many of my thoughts worrisome ones, and I was frustrated to have let them enter into my mind the moment I had opened my eyes.

Ted Andrews’ book, “Animal Speak,” says of frog that their wisdom is “transformation through water and sound.”

The line that caught my eye in the description of frogs was, “Emotions are often associated with water. Individuals with frog totems are very sensitive to the emotional state of others…”

There was the wisdom for me and the thoughts that had been running through my mind that I’d been worrying about someone I care about.

This is something I became aware of about myself many years ago and have become much better at recognizing it so that it does not exhaust me. But there are times I forget. And here was this teeny, sweet frog with a reminder that I have to allow others to move through their own process. That it is not my responsibility to take what they may be struggling with or even my perceived idea of what I think they are feeling challenged by.

Frog reminded me that the song I choose to play inside my head is up to me. And with that, I was able to shift my thoughts to a more peaceful place after saying a little prayer for the one I was concerned about and then let it go and trust it would all work out.

Thank you little frog with the big message that helped me on my way for the day!

