full moon
Naming the January Full Moon

It was a Substack post from Joanna P Colbert who posed the question: “What would you name the Full Moon where you live?” that enticed my creative juices to begin to flow!
So, I began delightfully simmering in what I’d name this Full Moon where I’m located – in a quaint, small village of 950 in Wisconsin, where we are currently experiencing melting snow, times of foggy conditions, and balmy temperatures.
Perfect weather in my book to be tucked cozily inside the four warm walls of my studio I lovingly refer to as Joyful Pause Cottage. A 10 x 12 space off the corner of my deck dedicated to all things that make my creative heart happy!
And where I’m currently joyfully getting lost in the art of mixed media collage creating what I refer to as animal oracle art.
My current company of completed creations is that of love-struck penguins, a unique yellow finch, a pondering hummingbird, and a flourishing fox.
This studio cottage, which took on the trendy name of a “She Shed” when all the rage of a place for a woman to call her own took off around 2013. Though I’d had my space since 2009 and never thought I’d be a trend-setter!
This space has nurtured my spirit, my heart, my creativity, and my dreams.
Where I’ve written many books, created an oracle deck, and guide others during oracle reading sessions.
And this whole month of January where I’ve been immersed in all things collage art that it occurred to me! And what I’d name the Full Moon where I live – here in my happy place – that I chose Creativity and Cocooning Moon.
And a lovely confirmation came this morning for the name I chose which was reflected in a reading I did for myself. The message from the cards to continue to ‘chop wood’ – doing small tasks each day – while following the feminine flow of what is in alignment for me at this time.

Not only is the Full Moon glowing in all her splendor, but so am I as I continue to create and trust the process.
So, how about you? What would you name this Full Moon where you live? I’d really love to know! And I’ll bet Joanna would like to know too if you want to pop over to her post and let her know also. And where you can also see what many others are naming the Full Moon where they live. So creative and inspiring!
The Full Moon Knows
I enjoy the ritual of doing an oracle reading for myself around the new and full moons. It’s a great way of taking time for inner reflection. Today, being a full moon in cancer I took some time to do just that. My sun sign, moon, and Venus are all in cancer and in the 4th house of my personal astrology chart. The fourth house is all about the home and everything associated with it.
As I turned each card over one-by-one today my body and heart melted into what I know to be true for me and how I wish to continue to live my life in what the cards revealed. Though yes, I still struggle at times with how I think the world wishes for me to live and be. But I have the awareness from many years of practice to catch myself when I find myself thinking I should this or that. It’s my clue I’m not in alignment with myself.
So today’s reading was a big warm hug that has me still basking in it as I share it with you today. I continue to appreciate how oracle cards are like a roadmap to your living your most meaningful life, as well as, how it was for me today, confirming that I’m on the path I’m meant to be.
This reading feels very much in alignment of how I wish to move into 2021 and how I’ve gained a deeper understanding of this from lessons learned in 2020. But I’ll likely do another reading closer to the New Year and see what that has to offer also.
Card #1 – Yang: represents what I’m releasing. Yang is all about the masculine. For me, in this reading, this card says to me to continue to let go of the push and force that has been a dominant force in our society, which over the past twenty years has not felt right to me, and something I’m continually working to change. No surprise there really as I continue to deepen in this, even though it can feel challenging in a world that operates in the opposite.
Card #24 – Time for a Nap: represent what I need to heal and a way to nurture myself. As I continue to move into the flow that feels more natural, following my own rhythms, it’s important to pause and take time out to replenish myself. I’ve said before here on my blog, I’m a napper, and most days I need one. I continue to relax into acceptance of this and that it is who I am and how it benefits me in being my best self.
Card #2 – Yin: represents a seed I’m planting to take me into 2021. Are you seeing the theme here I see? This seed is one I planted many moons ago and continues to grow and take root. This need of my soul to follow a more feminine flow and my own natural way of being.
Card #28- Building Blocks: represents a mantra to help me continue to flourish. I see this card and the mantra as repeat card #24 (Time for a Nap) and card #2 (Yin) on a daily basis. These are the building blocks that fit with who I am and how I can continue to flourish.
Support from the animal kingdom: Skunk. The words that jumped out for me and how I see them for this reading for me personally are as follows:
Respect – respecting myself and my needs.
Peacefulness – when I live from a space that is in alignment with my heart I experience more peace within.
Strong defense – protecting and continuing to establish my boundaries so that I can continue to live in a way that feels right for my natural rhythms.
Confidence: in what I know to be right for me despite the thoughts of the outside world.
Releasing, healing, planting more seeds, supporting my spirit to flourish, and leaning into animal wisdom I look to the moon and bow in gratitude for continuing to guide me on this journey called life.
Happy Full Moon!
If you’d like support going into 2021 a one-to-one oracle reading with me is a gift to yourself to start out the New Year on the right foot and in alignment with what your heart wishes for you. Book your session or learn more by clicking here.
Cards used: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid and Spirit Animal Awareness Cards by Ona Christie Martin