
Fundraiser for Bookworm Gardens & The Frankie Wheelchair Fund



On May 4th Joie and I will be leading a walk  in memory of my dear Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog whose legacy lives on in Bookworm Gardens— a children’s garden dedicated to literacy, nature, and bringing families together.

This is a special event called “Walk, Roll, and Read Day” to help celebrate the season opener for Bookworm Gardens, as well as the life of Frankie. Bookworm Gardens is free to the public to attend, so this fundraiser will help to keep it free to everyone visiting.

Bookworm Gardens has been so supportive of my work with Frankie and will be donating a portion of the proceeds raised on May 4th to the Frankie Wheelchair Fund. As you can imagine this makes my heart sing!

Joie and I are asking you to consider pledging us for our walk to help Bookworm Gardens and the Frankie Wheelchair Fund. Please don’t feel obligated. But if you have $1.00, $5.00, or $10  to spare we thank you for your pledge!

You can make a pledge below through your Paypal account or with a credit card (for credit card click on “Don’t have Paypal Account?” link which takes you to page to fill out name, etc.)


Joie is training hard for the walk and roll event and in case you missed the video here it is again!


Sassy, the Dachshund, Double Amputation Fundraiser

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I want to share a special pup with you. She lives at LoveyLoaves special needs animal sanctuary in FL.  Her caring parents are Cheri and Ward Wells who run the sanctuary. I had the honor of connecting with Cheri on a view occasions because of National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day. In fact, Cheri and Ward totally embraced this special day I founded and had a celebration in honor of the day to help bring more awareness to special needs animals and pets in wheelchairs.  They have huge hearts.

So, dear sweet Sassy– the first time I saw her picture on LoveyLoaves Facebook page, I fell in love with her.  Despite all the love and care she is getting life is not easy for her. Her back legs have always been twisted up her whole life and it is now causing very concerning issues that need to be addressed.  While they have tried various wheelchairs for Sassy, none have worked because of the severe deformity of her back legs. The Wards have done all they can possibly do for her to this point. Double amputation is being suggested so she can live a better quality life.  You can see all the spunk this little one has in a video on their fundraiser page for her.  This little one has spirit one hundred times her size!

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I felt compelled to share Sassy’s story with all of you and ask if you would be so kind to pass along her story. If you are unable to donate, please don’t feel obligated or bad about that, but just passing her story along can help, as well as praying for her.  I don’t know why, but I feel this connection to Sassy and just has to help by sharing her story on my blog.  I guess it is her will to be a dog no matter what her challenges that just tugs at my heart strings and makes me want to cheer her on.  So please share Sassy with others you know and let’s all pray for this little one.  Love you, Sassy!!

Riding for the Animals: Motorcyclist To Complete Cross-Country Ride as Fundraiser for Rescued Animals

Saugerties, NY – August 13, 2011 – Avid motorcyclist David DiNicola of Middlefield, New York, will rev up his Harley Davidson from August 13-22 for The Strong in Spirit journey across the country to raise money for rescued animals.

DiNicola wanted to do something to honor the legacy of his late German Shepherd, KaDee, who brought so much joy to his life during her 16 years. “KaDee had such gumption for life – the same gumption that I see when I look into the eyes of rescued animals still waiting for their forever home,” said DiNicola who hopes to raise $100,000 to be split between two animal organizations: Catskill Animal Sanctuary and the Berkshire Humane Society.

The Berkshire Humane Society is where KaDee was adopted as a puppy and an organization that DiNicola has been involved with ever since. Catskill Animal Sanctuary, located in Saugerties, New York, rescues 12 species of farm animals from life or death situations. DiNicola first heard of Catskill Animal Sanctuary when he picked up a book, Where the Blind Horse Sings by Kathy Stevens, the sanctuary’s founder and director – the first book, he says, he has ever read from start to finish. The book compelled him to visit the sanctuary where he met numerous animals who changed his understanding about farm animals forever.

“Everyone can do something to make a difference. I am a motorcyclist, that’s what I do; and I found a way to turn that into an opportunity to help animals who I deeply care about,” said DiNicola. “You don’t have to devote your life to a cause, but we all need to find something that grabs at our heart and then we need to find a way to help. This is my way.” The grueling trip is 4,000 miles, and DiNicola will travel 10 states in 10 days.

Check out this video of David, KaDee, and Atlas (a formerly abused and disabled goat now living happily at Catskill Animal Sanctuary) on their respective wheels at, and learn more about this extraordinary journey here