Tomorrow is my birthday! It was almost July 19th, but I busted into the world just in the nick of time at 11:55pm, 52 years ago.
I was a whopping baby (due to my mom’s love of Fudgesicles I think!)…. weighing in at 9 lbs., 3 oz. Mmmm, I could go for a Fudgesicle right now!
Almost another year older and the beat goes on…
And as I think about my birth all those years ago, I’m thinking about how much I love this second half of my life, or as I recall years ago Dr. Wayne Dyer calling it, the afternoon of our life.
Not that I didn’t enjoy the first half (the morning of), but knowing what I know now, I appreciate life so much more.
And I think about how when we are born, we are so open and free — nothing of ideals and projections have been put upon us at that time — we are so close to where we came from (God/Spirit) those first few years.
And then at some point after all the layers pile on from getting wrapped up in so many different points of view and how some ideals can begin to weigh us down, we begin walking back toward that inner place of pureness again — peeling away the layers, one by one, and finding acceptance and more peace in who we authentically are.
At least this has been the case for me. I welcome it and am enjoying this more confident sense of self that continues to morph and evolve.
I love birthday’s and hope that I will always embrace them as I do, no matter how old I get.
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