handicapped pets

Who’s Your Dachshund’s Account of Frankie’s Visit with Bicentennial School

To use technology in a way that will serve to share my message to help children around the world has been a dream of mine… which is taking hold and growing!  I’m so excited!  Recently Frankie and I visited Mr. Wade’s first grade class in eastern Canada via video conferencing.  Mr. Wade’s partner, Ben was in the room during the fun event and hared his take of the experience on his very popular Who’s Your Dachshund blog…

“A few weeks ago I shed tears in a classroom full of first graders. Yup. Six-year-olds watched me cry. It was a proud moment. You see, Calvin and Theo’s other dad is a teacher who through the magic of technology was able to host Barb and Frankie the Walk N Roll Dogfor an in-class (ish) presentation through vidoe conferencing.”  Click here to read more!

Jack Hanna Visits Disabled Animal Sanctuary- Video Now On-line

I was so moved by the video showing Jack Hanna's visit to Rolling Dog Ranch.  I just had to share.  I love how Steve says to not take pity on the animals, that they just want to get on with life.  It is so true.  You will be amazed at the love and devotion of Steve and Alyane.  I just adore all they do for the animals.


Exclusive! Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Pins

Artist, Brianna Lennox of Silly Dog Magnets has created her first exclusive… and it is in honor of Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Dog!

Now available on our website!  Frankie pins that you can show off on your jacket, back pack, purse, t-shirt, hat, or anywhere you want a giggle.

We are also now carrying the Dachshund Wheelchair Magnets and those are on the store page of our website as well.

Whimsical, colorful, and so fun!!