handicapped pets

Frankie’s Disabled Animal Rescue & Resource Page

So fellow dog author, Dayna Hilton told me about a wonderful thing SurfDog Ricochet started in helping bring awareness to animals in need with a special Facebook page dedicated to just that… and it got me thinking.

Because my mission, along with the help of my rolling dog, Frankie, is to bring positive awareness to animals with special needs, especially those with IVDD (Intevertebral Disc Disease), I thought, wow, I could start a page for Frankie to try and help disabled animals find forever, loving homes.  Now that just made my heart sing, so I jumped right on it!

This Facebook page, Frankie’s Disabled Animal Rescue and Resource Page is for all rescuers who help special needs pets to find forever and loving homes to post those pets that need just that.  We also want this page to be a helpful resource page for those living with disabled pets.  Because of the attention Frankie has gotten and continues to gain, I felt this would be a wonderful way to try and help more animals!

Please share with rescuers you know!  Each of us can help make a difference in these special needs pets lives and the many blessings they bring, just by passing this information along.  Thank you so much!

Dogs with Disabilities

Thanks to the blog Rebound Hounds I came across a website about dogs with disabilities that I did not know about, so wanted to share with you.

I love Dogs with Disabilities statement, “We can learn alot from dogs with disabilities!”  So true.  My life has increased in compassion, joy, and love ten-fold since Frankie, my dachshund was diagnosed with Intervertebral Disc Disease in 2006.  As many of you know, since then, I’ve become an advocate for animals with disabilities.  We have to be the voice for these special animals who do not feel sorry for themselves and live life to the fullest… and they deserve that chance, even when becoming disabled or born disabled.

Dogs with Disabilities has many wonderful resources and a great page on deciding on the right wheelchair for your dog.  As they said, it is a very personal choice, and I also want to add that not all wheelchairs are alike and each situation is different.  I especially liked their information on finding a vet also to care for your disabled dog.  Not all vets see disabled pets like those of us do who live with one do, so it’s important to have a vet who understands your pets needs and supports your decisions.

Last but not least, I loved the following on their home page-

Dogs with Disabilities…

  • Don’t feel sorry for themselves, we do it for them
  • Don’t know they’re disabled
  • Are accepting of what life has to offer
  • Accept as much help as their pride can take
  • Take each day as it comes and smell the flowers they can reach (and sometimes eat them)
  • Have more patience than we’ll ever have in the same situation
  • Don’t worry if we love them, they know we do
  • Do worry if we’ll take care of their needs – and shouldn’t have to
  • Don’t say what if, they just do what they can
  • Enjoy life just like other dogs, just not as rambunctiously
  • Worry about their status in the pack, it’s our job to reassure them they still have it
  • Don’t fear the future or worry about the past
  • Make every effort to do what they can to their maximum potential
  • Are not a burden, but a joy and a reason to slow down our own hectic lives

Reminder: Free Teleseminar Tonight: The Rewards and Challenges of Living with Disabled Pets

I’m very excited about this upcoming teleseminar (press release below) I will be taking part in!  I’ve been following Ingrid King, author of Buckley’s Story for quite sometime and had the honor of doing Garden of the Soul  radio show with her talking about animals as spiritual teachers.  We connected so easily because of our love for animals.
Mary Shafer, author of Almost Perfect Pets:  Disabled Pets and the People Who Love Them is someone I also greatly admire for all the positive work she is doing to bring a special light to animals with disabilities.  Being connected with her brings me great joy.
This is going to be one VERY SPECIAL HOUR and I know the time is going to fly by way too fast.  Hope you can join us!
Inspired and Inspiring:  The Rewards and Challenges of Living with Disabled Pets

On Thursday, June 24th at 8pm Eastern Daylight Time, we will host authors Mary Shafer and Barbara Techel for a free teleseminar titled Inspired and Inspiring – The Rewards and Challenges of Living with Disabled Pets.Barbara Techel is the author of the multi-award-winning book Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Dog. When her dachshund, Frankie, suffered a spinal injury, Techel had her custom-fitted for a wheelchair. Frankie’s strong spirit had her back into the swing of life very soon, and Techel realized the beautiful opportunity she had to share Frankie’s story. Together, they give others who may be struggling with obstacles the hope and inspiration to be the best they can be. Techel’s newest book, Frankie, the Walk ’N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House, chronicles the twosome’s work as a therapy dog team at local hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice centers, spreading joy wherever they go.

Mary Shafer is a freelance writer, author and publisher of Word Forge Books, a small, independent publisher located near Philadelphia. She’s a member of the Cat Writers Association and is co-mom to four special needs cats. One of those cats, Idgie, is the subject of Shafer’s story in the company’s latest book, Almost Perfect: Disabled Pets and the People Who Love Them.

Join us for what is sure to be an inspirational hour of discussing the challenges and rewards of living with disabled pets. You’ll also get a chance to ask questions.

The seminar is free, but long distance phone charges may apply. To participate in the conference, dial 1-712-432-3100. When prompted, enter conference code 674470. Registration is not required, but if you’d like to be entered in the drawing of an autographed copy of Barbara and Mary’s books, you’ll need to pre-register by clicking here: http://visitor.constantcontact.com/manage/optin/ea?v=0016ynqZbqgszFlq0ccP81zqg%3D%3D