I continue to make progress on my new memoir. Yay! So far, about 15,000 words written. I’ll share the title with you soon! I’m still contemplating a sub-title.
So often lately, it’s been such a joy to really see Gidget as the wise soul she is. Though it really is a feeling and something I feel on a deeper level than I did before. I continue to grapple with words for this as there does not seem to be adequate words to express the transformation within me that has occurred.
It happened again this morning as I walked onto the deck, to see Gidget lying here, and captured this photo. While yes, she is adorable (in my humble opinion), it is so much more than that. There is this deep respect for her as this sentient being with a purpose just as valuable as the purpose of you and me. The fact that she has walked beside me through the depths of my soul working through some pretty tough pain, speaks to the extent of love animals have for us. There are times when it feels so very palpable, like it did in this moment and getting this picture.
Gidget’s vital teaching for me, to really understand that I too, am a wise soul, and that it’s perfectly fine to own this. It took deep, personal work on my part, letting go of a past story, and a time of incubating in integration, to get to this new space of understanding. But truly, it’s an inside job to finding more peace and happiness for one’s life is what I believe.
Through the eyes of Gidget (and no, this isn’t the title of my book, as someone else gets that solely as her own 🙂 ), and understanding she was serving as a loving mirror for me, that I was able to peel back another crucial layer of truth. Shedding that layer has me not only seeing Gidget in a deeper scope of love for who she is, but also the reflection I now see of myself when I look in the mirror. And one that I am worthy and I’m…. well… oops…almost revealed the title. Stay tuned! 🙂
Speaking of this being an inside job to happiness…Dr. Joe Dispenza explains it beautifully in this short talk. Very worth the listen.
Happy Sunday!