Welcome! I knew you could do it.
This is what I heard a hawk convey to me, just as I entered the small woods near my home yesterday. I saw him high in a tree, and then as he gracefully lifted off taking flight. After hearing this message, I said out loud, ” Oh yes! This was so worth it. So worth it!”
As I wrote yesterday, I was in a funk. The voice inside that knows what is best for me had been nudging me for quite a few weeks to get outside. But we’ve been having below zero temps made even colder with bite-to-the bone wind chills so that voice was being drowned out by the wee little nagging voice that complained it was too cold out.
This isn’t the actual hawk I saw but a photo I found online. It was zero degrees yesterday and I was bundled up in many layers so I could have never gotten my two pair of gloves off fast enough to get a picture.
But it does not matter because seeing that hawk and hearing his message made my heart soar! I have no doubt what-so-ever he was just waiting for me to confirm that I was right where I needed to be, taking that walk on such a chilly day.
The sun was brilliant, the skies an icy blue, and the winds calm, along with Hawk, it was just the medicine I needed to adjust my attitude which I sorely needed.
There is truly nothing like nature to remind you of how grand life is if we can take our focus off our silly little worries for a time being. And you know what? Just that half hour in nature had me feeling as if I could fly, just like Hawk!
After sharing this post, I heard from my 80 something year old friend, Jerry who wrote, “It’s true that I can’t tolerate the cold outside as well as I did even ten years ago, I have goose down, and I have my old-fart’s hat with the insulation and ear flaps. We went out for an early dinner on New Year’s Eve, and it’s the first time I’ve sat in an upscale restaurant with thermal longjohns under my good clothes, but old age brings many firsts. So try to enjoy it.”
Point taken my friend, point taken. And a lovely quote he shared with me from T.S. Elliot, in “The Wasteland.”
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers.
Pays to have wise old friends to keep us in check and I take this advice, tuck it under my fuzzy hood on my coat, and will carry with me.
And since my dear friend, Jerry isn’t on Facebook (of which I think is very wise of him at times, too) I share some pictures from my walk yesterday and today… and I hope it will inspire you, along with Jerry’s sage advice, to partake in the magic of nature…

Sunday morning walk photos below.
I decided to walk earlier today with the intention that I hoped I’d see some deer. Lucky me, but also proof for me that we are truly connected and one with nature, the animals, and the universe…because as I walked down one part of the trail that is steep, I looked up just in time to see four deer run across the path about fifteen feet in front of me! Oh yes, so dang worth it. So worth it!!