Let me first say that all dachshunds tug on my heart when I see them. But this dachshund named Pepper, tugged at my heart strings even more.
She reminds me so much of my Joie who passed away in August 2013. Pepper was diagnosed with IVDD in April and is paralyzed, along with other issues that need to be dealt with. But the issues are easy enough to remedy with the right care which she is being helped with right now.
I heard of her story through Hearts 4 Doxie’s and asked if she was in need of a wheelchair. She is. The Frankie Wheelchair Fund will provide the funding so this sweet girl can regain mobility when she is well enough.
This is extra special because a few weeks ago I received a generous donation from Skippy Johnston’s mom, Angela in memory of Skippy for the Frankie Wheelchair Fund. That money received I’ve decided needs to go to Pepper. I think Angela and Skippy will approve.
Pepper’s wheelchair will be custom made by the fine folks at Eddie’s Wheels.
Once Pepper is up and running in her wheels I’ll be sure to post an update here, so stay tuned.
If you’d like to help me with my mission of helping disabled dogs in need of a wheelchair, please consider a donation to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund. To date, the fund has granted 43 wheelchairs to dogs in needs. Thank you!!